Cost of Operations ($/person) metric

Determines or compares the building cost efficiency based on occupants that are housed.

Details of the metric Description
Name Cost of Operations ($/person)
Category Financial
Analysis objective Determines which building operating costs are causing the over-expenditure. Uses time trend analysis to compare seasonal peaks, anomalies, or trends.
Description Facilitates internal trend analysis and external benchmarking by equating operational costs as a function of the overall facility occupant population. The cost of operations is evaluated as an overall total cost of operations, at the subcomponent level, and at the various operations processes which are represented by cost codes in IBM® TRIRIGA®.
Measurement Total Operating Cost / Total number of Workers

The Total Operating Cost includes maintenance, housekeeping, and utilities.

Dependent data that is calculated
  • Financial Summary Object provides summary data for operating costs
  • Workers: People assigned to building’s spaces, floors, or building.
  • FA Move Manager/Planner
  • FA Space Manager/Planner
  • OP Executive
  • OP Service Manager
  • OP Facility Assessment Manager/Planner
Display chart types
  • Value-based: Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Stacked Bar Chart)
  • Score-based: Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Stacked Bar Chart)
  • Low Threshold: $1200/Person
  • High Threshold: $2400/Person
  • Range 1: Low/Caution/Yellow
  • Range 2: Medium/Positive/Green
  • Range 3: High/Negative/Red
Fact details Module: triMetricFact

Business Object: triBuildingFact

Metric Queries: triBuildingFact - Metric - Cost of Operations ($ / Person) Metric triBuildingFact - Metric - Cost of Operations ($ / Person) Metric (Score)

Drill paths
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Capture Period
Interactive filters
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Time
  • Building Class
  • Building Tenure (Lease/Own)
For US Federal Government:
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Time
  • Real Property Type
  • Real Property Use
  • Mission Dependency
  • Legal Interest
Static filters
  • Active Buildings
  • Operating Costs
Time Months
Data point refresh rate
  • Monthly
  • After month-end close and scheduled load of financial data