Callback Index metric

Determines the level of tasks that are not completed on the first response and require subsequent tasks to resolve the original issue.

Details of the metric Description
Name Callback Index
Category Operational
Analysis objective Determines how effective the operations team is in satisfying assigned work on the first response. View this metric over time to show, analyze, and adjust training or resource assignment based on observed trends.
Description Informs management how the internal service providers, external service providers, or both are performing and the accuracy of ‘first response’ resolution. The customer company/agency expects that services are performed within the time and costs specified in the various agreements and contracts – without requiring extra callback work.

This is an exception-based metric that is evaluating under-performers only.

This metric is useful for monitoring performance on at least the following topics:

  • Rework related to Operator training
  • Rework related to Maintenance training (lack of knowledge or skills)
  • Lost productivity that is related to training
  • Rework related to under-performing technicians
  • Rework related to improper procedures
Source Customer Focus Group
Measurement Total number of Completed Corrective Tasks where ‘Callback’ equals TRUE / Total number of Completed Corrective Tasks
Dependent data that is calculated
  • Total number of Completed Tasks where ‘Callback’ field = TRUE and Task Type = Corrective
  • Total number of Completed Tasks where Task Type = Corrective
Roles OP Service Manager
Display chart types
  • Value-based: Horizontal Grouped Bar (percent) Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Grouped Bar (percent) Chart)
  • Score-based: Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart (Capture Period: Vertical Stacked Bar Chart)
  • Low Threshold: .01 (1%)
  • High Threshold: .1 (10%)
  • Range 1: Low/Positive/Green
  • Range 2: Medium/Caution/Yellow
  • Range 3: High/Negative/Red
Fact details Module: triMetricFact

Business Object: triTaskResourceFact

Metric Queries: triTaskResourceFact - Metric - Callback Index, triTaskResourceFact - Metric - Callback Index (Score)

Drill paths
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Assigned Resource
  • Request Class
  • Responsible Organization
  • Capture Period
Interactive filters
  • Geography
  • Location
  • Responsible Organization
  • Request Class
  • Assigned Resource
Static filters
  • Tasks (only Task types with a Responsible Organization section)
  • Status = Completed or Closed Tasks
Time Months
Data point refresh rate Monthly
License dependency IBM® TRIRIGA® Operations
Functional dependency
  • Task Management
  • Service Management