Collecting environmental
data into TRIRIGA
To measure environmental impact of the organization, you
must collect all relevant environmental data. You enter data into
the environmental logs by using several methods, from manual entry
to integration with other sources of data.
Manually entering environmental data
If you have records that are related to environmental data from sources other than utility invoices that cannot be imported through integration, you can create environmental logs that are associated with a building, land, a retail location, or a structure record.
Creating environmental logs by using utility invoices
When a utility bill invoice is approved, energy, water, and waste logs are created for the corresponding business objects.
Creating environmental logs by sending offline content records
Offline content records are Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that are used to enter the data to create multiple environmental logs at one time or to send information to TRIRIGA® when you are not logged in.
Automated collection of environmental data
TRIRIGA supports various techniques to integrate data from external sources, whether for monthly, daily, or hourly data.
Creating energy logs from data in the T_TRIASSETENERGYUSEHFACT hourly fact table
In TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability Impact Manager , you can create energy logs from meter data that is contained in the T_TRIASSETENERGYUSEHFACT hourly fact table by scheduling the ETL job item that creates the energy logs.