Completing forecast surveys

The workplace executive fills out or sends the forecast surveys to collect the data that is needed to forecast future space needs. Forecast surveys are created when you generate the data for a planning environment.


  1. Click Space > Plan Space > Forecast Surveys to view the forecast surveys that were generated by TRIRIGA® Strategic Facility Planning.
  2. Optional: You might choose to communicate directly with the business unit managers and then complete the survey.
  3. Optional: If you choose to send the forecast surveys to be completed by the business unit managers, you can select the check boxes for the forecast surveys to send and click Send or click one forecast survey to open, edit, and click Send. Then, either send the survey in an offline form by email or send a notification for the business unit manager to complete the survey online.
  4. Click Save to save changes to the survey.
  5. Click Submit when the survey is complete.