Requesting contract changes
To maintain the accuracy and efficiency of your contracts, you can send and receive
notifications about upcoming dates, and revise each contract through proposed changes.
Overview of contract maintenance
The overall contract process consists of the contract creation, contract maintenance, and payment management phases. The contract maintenance phase includes sending and receiving notifications about upcoming dates, and revising each contract through proposed change requests and amendments. With these notifications and change requests, you can maintain the accuracy and efficiency of your contracts. To ensure the accuracy of your contracts, you can revise each contract through proposed change requests and adjustments.
Requesting real estate data changes
You can create and submit a request for a data change to a real estate (RE) lease or agreement. After approval, the change request is sent to the contract administrator of the selected real estate lease or agreement for review. After review, a revision or amendment to the lease or agreement might be necessary.
Requesting asset lease contract changes
You can create and submit a request for a contract change to an asset lease. After approval, the change request is sent to the contract administrator of the selected asset lease for review. After review, a revision of the lease might be necessary.
Requesting lease assumption changes
You can create and submit a request for an assumptions change to a real estate (RE) lease or asset lease. However, the system will not send a change request notification to the contract administrator or lease accountant. There is no attached functionality to this request anymore.