Exporting lease abstract records by sending OSCRE .xml files

The .xml export tool for the Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate (OSCRE) is an alternative to clicking the Send action on a lease abstract record. For example, you might want to batch several records to send at a single time after they are submitted for review and approved. Typically, lease abstract records exported through OSCRE are received directly into the IBM® TRIRIGA® server through its incoming mail address.

Before you begin

Verify that the lease abstract business object does not contain a field with a field name that includes any of following special characters: ~`!#$%&*()_+-={}|[]\:”;’<>?,./ Otherwise, if a special character is present, this process does not generate the OSCRE .xml file. If necessary, revise and republish the business object.


  1. Select Tools > Data Utilities > OSCRE XML Export.
  2. Click the Add action.
  3. Specify the details.
  4. Create the export record.
  5. Process the export record.