Removing the certificate from trust store
If you need to delete the certificate and reimport them (for example, if you are updating the server with new certificates or you did not download the certificate correctly, and so on), use the following commands prior to running the import commands.
keytool -delete -alias developerautodeskcom -keystore "C:\Program
{password is changeit}
keytool -delete -alias developerautodeskcom -keystore
{Password is password used to set up SSL on Liberty server (e.g., MyTRIPassword)}
Note: If you receive a message after importing the certificates into the IBM®
TRIRIGA® server keystore that
indicates the keystore is in a proprietary format, you can upgrade the keystore with the
following command (again, modify any paths, keystore aliases, and so on, with those from
your environment):
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore
C:\tririga\wlp\usr\servers\tririgaServer\resources\security\key.jks -destkeystore
C:\tririga\wlp\usr\servers\tririgaServer\resources\security\key.jks -deststoretype pkcs12
As of Liberty (that is used by Platform 3.6.1), the default keystore type was changed
from JKS to PKCS12. If your keystores are in JKS format (even if they have the new .p12
file extension, which is what Liberty creates by default!) then you have to add the
type="JKS" attribute to the keystore element, for
<keyStore id="samplePKCS12KeyStore"
type="PKCS12" password="myPassword" />