planning environments
Set up a planning environment
that includes the planning
elements and configurations to be used as the primary source of planning
data for TRIRIGA® Strategic Facility Planning .
Planning environments
Planning environments contain planning elements and configurations that are the primary source of planning data that is used by TRIRIGA Strategic Facility Planning .
Planning data
When you generate planning data for a planning environment, TRIRIGA Strategic Facility Planning collects information about supply and demand to be used in space plans.
Creating a planning environment
The planning environment identifies the planning period for space forecasting, the scope of the locations to be included in forecasting, and whether the planning environment provides the master planning data for the IBM® TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management metrics.
Setting the planning environment scope
The default scope of the planning environment is set in the Planning Manager. However, you can restrict the planning environment to a specific set of buildings.
Configuring contacts
Identify the people to be notified about events in this planning environment by configuring the key contacts and contact roles.
Prerequisites for generating data
Before you generate data for a new planning environment, the configuration of the data must meet the requirements to generate the correct data.
Generating planning data
The master planning data is a time-based snapshot of the current state of the supply and demand data that is used by the space management application.
Show Processes and Hide Processes
The Show Processes and Hide Processes actions are used to troubleshoot data issues.