Removing all and recreating Asset Class GL Code Templates to existing journal entry setup templates

The Contract Data Setup Utility can be used by Lease Accountants to remove all and recreate Asset Class GL Codes to existing Journal Entry Setup Templates.

Before you begin

You must sign in as a Lease Accountant.


  1. Go to Contracts > Contract Set Up > Data Utilities > Contract Data Setup Utility.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Contract Data Setup Utility form, enter the Name in the General section.
  4. In the Details section, specify Process Type as Remove All and Recreate Asset Class GL Codes to Journal Entry Setup Template.
  5. Set the Contract Type to either Asset Lease, Real Estate Lease, or Subscription Based IT Arrangement (SBITA) and select a Business Unit.
  6. Click Create.
    The Asset Class Account Code and Journal Entry Setup sections are now visible.
  7. Click Add action on the Asset Class Account Code section.
  8. On the pop-up form, select an Asset Class, Debit Account, Credit Account, and click Create.
  9. Click Save & Close.
  10. Repeat step 6 to 9 to add more asset classes.
  11. Click Find on the Journal Entry Setup Template section.
  12. On the pop-up form, select all the journal entry setup records to which you want to assign those asset classes, and click OK.
  13. Click Save > Process.
    The Contract Data Setup Utility record is closed. Once the status of the record is changed to Processed, the asset class account codes are assigned to the selected journal entry setup records. However, if the asset class already exists in the journal entry setup, the other information related to the asset class is updated.
  14. Click Complete.