IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.1

Carbon footprint calculation formulas

Carbon footprint calculation formulas vary depending on what you are measuring.

Carbon footprint calculations for energy

Energy carbon calculations use the selected base unit of measure.

The following calculations are used for scope 1 (direct) energy emissions:

CO2 = (Total Amount * (CO2 Emission Factor * Heating Value) * Density)

CH4 = ((Total Amount * (CH4 Emission Factor * Heating Value) * Density) * GWP CH4 Conversion)

N2O = ((Total Amount * (N2O Emission Factor * Heating Value) * Density) * GWP N2O Conversion)

The following calculations are used for scope 2 (indirect) energy emissions:

CO2 = ((Total Amount Used Based on Occupancy * Emission Factor))

CH4 = ((Total Amount Used Based on Occupancy * CH4 Emission Factor) * GWP CH4 Conversion)

N2O = ((Total Amount Used Based on Occupancy * N2O Emission Factor) * GWP N2O Conversion)

Carbon footprint calculations for travel

If the company owns the vehicle, emissions are calculated by the distance that is traveled. If the company does not own the vehicle, emissions are calculated by usage.

The following calculations are used for scope 1 (direct) travel emissions for vehicles that are owned by the company:

CO2 = ((Distance Traveled + Fuel Usage) * Emission Factor)

CH4 = (((Distance Traveled + Fuel Usage) * CH4 Emission Factor) * GWP CH4 Conversion)

N2O = (((Distance Traveled + Fuel Usage) * N2O Emission Factor) * GWP N2O Conversion)

The following calculations are used for scope 1 (direct) travel emissions for vehicles that are not owned by the company:

CO2 = ((Distance Traveled + Fuel Usage) * (Emission Factor * Heating Value) * Density)

CH4 = (((Distance Traveled + Fuel Usage) * (CH4 Emission Factor * Heating Value) * Density) * GWP CH4 Conversion)

N2O = (((Distance Traveled + Fuel Usage) * (N2O Emission Factor * Heating Value)*Density)*GWP N2O Conversion)

The following calculations are used for scope 3 (indirect) travel emissions for vehicles that are owned by the company:

Travel Carbon Footprint = (Emission Factor * Distance Traveled)

The following calculations are used for scope 3 (indirect) travel emissions for vehicles that are not owned by the company:

Travel Carbon Footprint = ((Distance Traveled + Fuel Usage) * Emission Factor * Heating Value * Density)

Carbon footprint calculations for other emissions

The following calculations are used for other emissions:

Other Emissions = Total Quantity * 0.001102 * GWP Emission Factor
