Known bugs with Apple devices and IBM Traveler
There are known issues using Apple devices with IBM Traveler that have been reported to Apple support.
The following tables show all bugs associated with Apple devices and IBM Traveler, organized by category.
Problem description | Workarounds/More information | Fixed by Apple release |
When the Apple device receives an authentication challenge (HTTP 401 response) due to a wrong user or password, the device will repeat the request multiple times before prompting the user to correct the password. If the user does not respond, the device will periodically try again and prompt the user each time. Because the device is making multiple HTTP requests, it may trigger an HTTP lockout due to failed password attempts and the user may have multiple prompts on the device to dismiss in sequence. (11424995) | Note: If you have more than one device, follow these steps for each one but ensure you perform step
1 on all devices before performing steps 2-4. Otherwise, you will lock yourself out on the second
Not fixed |
Some Apps prevent the generation of IBM Traveler profiles, and/or the download of the Traveler App itself.. Known Apps include: FileApp, DownLoader, AirSharing, FTPReader, Mover+, and USB Disk (on iPad only), but there may be more. (8026303) |
iOS 10.1 |
The Apple device does not enforce the specified Minimum number of complex characters security setting when specified by the server. (11299535) | The Apple device requires alphanumeric security to also be enabled for the minimum number of complex characters to apply. Ensure alphanumeric security is enabled as well. | iOS 10.1 |
After searching personal contacts (not the corporate directory), the Contacts app will send updates for all matching contacts to the server, although the contacts have not been updated by the user. This issue only occurs when the Contacts app is opened while still displaying the previous local contact search results. If the server cannot process all updates before the device times out the request, the contact sync will fail. If the server can process the updates before a timeout, then the issue will likely not occur. (11140665) | Clear the search results before leaving the contacts application. If you encounter the issue, remove the account (delete the Apple profile or manually remove the account) from the device and reinstall the account. | iOS 10.0.2 |
Exchange ActiveSync cookies are tied to the Safari browser's cookie settings on Apple iOS 5 devices. This results in an increased authentication load on the server, as the cookies may be ignored. If the cookies are required to connect to the server (for example, LotusLive or other HTTP proxies that use cookies to track required state), then the syncs will fail. (10896652) | On Apple iOS 5 devices, enable cookies in General > Safari > Accept Cookies and reboot. | iOS 9.3.5 |
iPhone 3G and early iPod Touch devices cannot connect to the IBM Traveler service on cloud based Notes. This issue also applies to IBM Traveler services where the authentication mechanism requires HTTP session cookies as part of its authentication scheme. Apple iPhone 3G and early iPod Touch models running iOS 4 cannot use HTTP session cookies in the Exchange ActiveSync account. If you are using one of these devices and it has been upgraded to iOS 4, and you are trying to connect to an IBM Traveler service that requires HTTP session cookies, such as Notes, then the device will fail to connect. After manually configuring the account or installing a profile, when you open the Inbox or another folder in the mail application, you will see the generic error Cannot Get Mail: The connection to the server failed. Further examination of network traces will show that the Apple device is making its request without the requested session cookie and instead there is a header in the data named X-Bad-iPhone-No-Cookie. (8925944) |
Contact Apple support for a profile that can be installed to enable HTTP session cookies for the Exchange ActiveSync account. | iOS5 |
If cookies are enabled and the device is configured with two different user accounts communicating with the same server, the device may send the cookie from account one when it receives the request for account two and vice versa. This can also happen if account one is deleted and account two is created before the cookie expires. (9242966) | There are two possible workarounds:
iOS 5 |
A loop in the provisioning process, usually noticed when first upgrading from iOS3 to iOS4, can block IBM Traveler from sync its data. The loop usually resolves itself but the time it takes to do so is variable. This is also referred to as the "key 0" problem, as the loop which causes the delay is a result of the provisioning key being set to 0. (8557523) | None The problem usually resolves itself, but may take a long time. | iOS 4 |
Problem description | Workarounds/More information | Fixed by Apple release |
Inline images may not display in the Mail app. The problem persists even after navigating to another mail message and returning, as well as after terminating and restarting the Mail app. (35394005) | None | Not fixed |
On Apple iPhones, embedded images in MIME mail display as HTML tags. (8406447) | Navigate to the Home screen, then back to the mail client and reopen the note to view the mail. If that does not work, reboot the device and reopen the mail. | Not fixed |
Simplified Chinese display names on mail sent from an Apple device will be improperly encoded if the device tries to use the GB2312 encoding. This causes the display name to contain corrupted characters. (10426132) | IBM Traveler implemented a work around for this in APAR LO66047. | Not fixed |
Replies or forwards to a mail message containing images may be missing some or all of the images. (11796974) | None | Not fixed |
When reading mail, the Loading... symbol may display for an extended amount of time before the message loads. This occurs when trying to load mail while the device is syncing other mail. This issue is more common for users who get a large amount of mail every day. It is very common when a user first connects a device, during the first initial sync of data. (12848388) | None | Not fixed |
Mail may render with the inline images either shown as generic icons or missing completely, rather than rendered. (13235522) | Navigate to another mail message and then return. If that fails, reboot the device. | Not fixed |
Apple iOS 7.1 and later levels refresh sync folders too often. When the device requests a folder sync, even though it contains no folder changes, the device begins the sync again. (16915780) | A workaround for some cases of this issue is available for IBM Traveler with APAR LO80340. | Not fixed |
Syncing Exchange ActiveSync mail with the Change command does not update the Subject or Body of the mail. (17624505) | In this issue, IBM Traveler replaces the Change operation with the Delete and Add operations. As a result, the device correctly reflects the updated content, but it introduces a timing gap between Delete and Add where the item does not exist. If the device tries to perform another operation between the Delete and Add (for example, a move to another folder), the operation fails. However, once the Add completes, the operation should succeed if retried. The size of the timing gap depends on performance factors, so the faster the system, the smaller the gap. Therefore, you can decrease the gap by improving overall performance, which most often involves upgrading to the latest IBM Traveler release to get all of the latest improvements. | Not fixed |
Folder names display as a random hexadecimal value, rather than the actual, readable name (10463402) | At times, where the readable folder name should be displayed at the top of the view, some combination of alphanumeric text displays instead. This appears to be some sort of internal ID rather than the name. For example, instead of "Personnel", you see "70FB9178-576E-4CA-A08E-....". This issue has existed going back to to iOS 5. | Not fixed |
Inline images in the Mail app show as white boxes until the app is restarted. (31173739) | Terminate and restart the app. | Not fixed |
Name lookup results do not display on the device, even though Traveler is sending results. (29045165) | When a Native Apple Mail user on a Traveler Server begins a new message and types part of the recipients name, the name lookup on the device returns nothing, even though the server has sent down multiple results using XML. | Not fixed |
When a native Apple Mail user on a Traveler Server attempts to compose a new messages and types part of the recipients name, the name lookup on the device returns nothing. (29045165) | Try the search on the device again by deleting and retyping the name. | Not fixed |
Local search results are cleared in the Mail app search results using "All" once the server results are returned. The search displays "No Results Found on Server". If using "From", "To", or "Subject" to filter the search, the local results are still displayed. It is only when using "All" as the filter that the local results get cleared after the server search is completed. (10463718) | None | iOS 9 |
Starting in iOS 7.1, attachments do not display properly when the devices uses the Exchange ActiveSync command GetAttachment to retrieve the data. The attachment will download, but when displayed, it may show a black screen, gray screen, or placeholder application message, rather than the expected content. (16431803) | Upgrade your server to at least IBM Traveler | iOS 10.1 |
Some PDF attachments are displayed as blank/all gray. The same attachments synced at other times or by other users may display correctly. (9598038) | None | iOS 10.1 |
Long display names for mail sent from a Korean language iOS device are not delivered because the address is truncated and incorrect. (9736766) | None | iOS 10.1 |
When replying to a message, the text does not wrap at the edge of the screen and is not visible in its entirety, making composition more difficult. (13235622) | None | iOS 10.1 |
Starting in iOS 5, after a folder is renamed on the device, moving mail in and out of the folder causes it to show multiple versions of the same mail instead of just one. This also applies after the folder is renamed when mail changes (for example, a read/unread change) on the server and is synced as an update to the device in that renamed folder. (10904453) | Navigate out of the folder, open another folder (for example, the Inbox), and navigate back to the original folder. If this does not work, reboot the device and try again. | iOS 10.1 |
Tables in mail messages are not rendered correctly on iPhone. However, iPad devices display the same table correctly. (16011799) | None | iOS 10.1 |
Starting in iOS 7, problems are encountered when deleting mail on the device when offline, and there is often no error message or warning displayed. It may appear the item is deleted, but it will still be seen in the folder view. (16867546) | This issue only occurs offline when deleting mail by selecting the Trash icon from the mail view. The issue is not present when swiping the mail from the folder view and selecting Delete, or using the Trash icon when connected to the IBM Traveler server. | iOS 10.1 |
On Apple iPads, mail sender names which contain a middle name in the FROM line are missing the middle name. (8347870) | None | iOS 10.1 |
Deleting mail using the Trash icon fails. (17960131) | The workaround is to return to the Inbox, swipe on the mail item, then use Trash function. | iOS 10.1 |
Attachments on a mail message are corrupted when the mail is forwarded on iOS 9.3.1 devices (26687880) | None | iOS 10.1 |
On iOS 7 devices, mail sometimes fails to send, even though it appears as if it has. The mail is completely lost, and does not show in the Outbox or Sent folders and the recipient never receives it. (15200645) | Users report that powering the device off then back on prevents future occurrences of this issue. Some users report having to remove then re-add the mail account on the device before the problem is resolved. | iOS 9.3.5 |
iOS 7 devices that encounter issues sending mail (new messages, replies, or forwards) may cause duplicate messages to be sent to the recipients. (15691826) | Before going into the Outbox to resend the messages, wait for the message to automatic retry to send, or sync the Inbox manually. | iOS 9.3.5 |
After folders are resynced from scratch, the iOS device may use the older folder ID's on subsequent syncs and fail. Often, this will appear as a failure when moving mail from one folder to another because the target folder ID does not exist, since it is the old ID instead of the current ID. (11850077) | Remove the profile for IBM Traveler from the device and reinstall the profile. | iOS 9.3.5 |
On iOS 7 devices, messages in the Outbox are not automatically resent. (15708414) | Manually open the Outbox, select the message, and send it. | iOS 9.3.5 |
Downloading attachments show a status of over 100% (16011776) | None | iOS 9.3.5 |
Problem description | Workarounds/More information | Fixed by Apple release |
No notice is sent to the last invitee of a meeting when it is canceled using the iOS device. (20684754) | Use Notes instead of an iOS device to remove the last invitee. | Not fixed |
The Calendar Inbox may have an extra/duplicate entry when an event is ghosted or every instance has been changed from the original. This extra entry may have the same data as another entry but may not be removed from the Calendar Inbox even after taking action (Accept/Maybe/Decline) on it. (29252221) | If this meeting has outstanding notices that have not been processed or applied, processing these may resolve this issue. For example, if there is an outstanding reschedule, accepting it may correct the Calendar Inbox to show the correct number of entries. This problem applies to iOS 9 and later. | Not fixed |
Meeting invites generated from are synced to the device (webex.ics attachment), but when a user opens the attachment and performs an Add To Calendar action, the event appears on the user's device calendar but does not sync to the server. (29043233 and 27691361) | Add ics invites using the IBM Notes client. | Not fixed |
When the user creates a repeating monthly meeting for 5 months and makes multiple changes to instances 2 through 5, and then reschedules the first instance to a later date, all previous changes are lost.(30398937) | Do not reschedule the first instance from the device when other instances have changes. | Not fixed |
Canceling the first instance of a repeating meeting where an invitee was added later results in the meeting Cancellation notice only being sent to the original invitees. The invitee added after the meeting was originally created does not receive a Cancellation notice and the meeting remains on their calendar. (24188983) | None | Not fixed |
Repeating yearly all day events occurring in 2038 and later appear as two day events in the iOS calendar. (18398844) | None | Not fixed |
The last instance of All Day repeating events may be missing on the device. This seems to occur when the device timezone has a value East of UTC (such as Berlin, Germany) and the RRULE sent to the device uses a COUNT of instances. The issue isn't present if RRULE uses the UNTIL date or if the timezone is West of UTC (such as New York, USA).(29974878) | Workaround included in IBM Traveler version and higher. | N/A |
The location field is lost on the iOS device calendar when upgrading to iOS 10.2. What makes this issue unique is that the location field is only lost if it starts with a URL. For example, the location field contains This happens regardless of whether the user is the chair or an invitee to the event.(29853668) | Location values are not lost from the server the device syncs with, only from the device. | iOS 11.0 |
Removing an invitee from one instance of a repeating meeting removes them from all instances on iOS 10.2.1 (31067387 and 21448080) | Do not remove an attendee using the iOS Native Calendar. | iOS 11.0 |
Starting in iOS 9.2.1, when a meeting Chair creates a repeating event that includes Location information and then modifies the Location, the modified Location value is never sent to the Traveler server (25011200 and 23203433) | None | iOS 10.3.3 |
Starting in iOS 9.2, when a user declines a reschedule from the calendar, a Tentative response is sent instead. (25114211) | None | iOS 10.3.3 |
When rescheduling one instance of a repeating meeting from the device, all events in a recurring meeting may appear to have been rescheduled for all attendees. But no data is changed and they all continue to contain the correct information. (28779634) | It is possible this occurs because the device is sending up two sendmail requests. The first sendmail contains only a rule, and the second only a recurrence ID. IBM Traveler Server only expects the second sendmail in a case like this. This issue does not occur when the reschedule is made from a 9.3.5 device. | iOS 11.0 |
On an iOS 7 or later device, using on premises IBM Traveler or later or using IBM SmartCloud Traveler, when the user takes actions on a meeting notice, such as Accept or Tentatively Accept, the action button the user selects may already be highlighted. In this case, the device does not send the appropriate info to the server for processing. This causes the device calendar to have the latest info but the server calendar does not. (15592963) | Select the non-highlighted action button. The server will be updated accordingly. As an example, if Accept is already highlighted then use the Tentative button. This will put the event on your calendar as Tentative, but both the device and server calendars will be correct. If the Tentative button is highlighted, then use the Accept button. | iOS 10.1 |
On an iPhone, embedded images in MIME mail display as HTML tags. (8406447) | Navigate to the home screen, then back to the mail client. Reopen the mail message. If that does not work, reboot the device, and try again. | iOS 10.1 |
The birthday field created on the device in Contacts is shifted back one day when synced to the server. This problem is Timezone sensitive, and occurs only when the Time Zone on the device is East of GMT. (8417352) | For more information, see Apple contact dates (Birthday / Anniversary) off by a day | iOS 10.1 |
Changing the time of an instance of a yearly repeating event from an iOS 6 device may result in the error "Alert Time. The event repeats before the alert occurs". (14230242) | Change the Alert value on the device for the event to either "None" or "At time of event. | iOS 9.2 |
On iOS 9 devices configured to use the Hawaii timezone, rescheduling an instance of a repeating meeting may cause all the other instances to be lost. This does not happen if the event was originally created on the device. (22361692 (Duplicate of 2236736) | Either do not use the Hawaii timezone on the device, or do not reschedule repeating events from the device if it is using the Hawaii timezone. | iOS 9.1 |
Using the Accept action button from an iOS 9 device for some repeating meetings does nothing. No reply notice or meeting response is sent to the server. (22556609) | Install the Apple Sync Diagnostics profile available from the Apple Bug Reporter web site on
the device. With this profile installed, the Accept actions will work. Note: Profiles will
automatically uninstall themselves after a set period of time. Therefore it is recommended the user
upgrades to a newer iOS Version.
iOS 9.0.2 |
On an iPhone, rescheduling a monthly recurring event deletes the first monthly instance of that event. (8308477) | None | iOS 9 |
Rescheduling all instances of a repeating meeting to a different day of the week may cause problems. Some of the instances may be deleted and/or the remaining instances will not be changed to the new day of the week. (13053393) | None | iOS 9 |
Rescheduling all instances of a repeating event causes the last instance to be removed from the device calendar of the meeting chair. However, all the instances are correct in the Notes calendar. (14229974) | Syncing the calendar event back to the device will restore the missing entry to the device calendar. This can be done by modifying the event in Notes or forcing the device to re-sync calendar by turning Calendar sync off and back on using the device account settings. | iOS 9 |
Rescheduling a yearly repeating event from an iOS 8 device using the Save for future events option causes all future instances after the selected instance to be removed from the device and Notes calendar. (14229548) | None | iOS 9 |
Repeat instances of meetings are lost on the device after accepting a reschedule notice. (18853016) |
Accept the meeting notice from the iOS device instead. You can also resync the calendar by turning off calendar sync from the device then turning back on. If that has no effect, try turning off IBM Traveler calendar ghosting by adding NTS_IOS_CALENDAR_07=false to notes.ini for IBM Traveler servers. This will not prevent the problem, but will cause the underlying scenario to occur less often. This is not recommended unless users are running iOS 8.x on their devices. iOS 7.x users could experience problems accepting reschedules from the device where the Accept button is already highlighted on the device, even though the notice has not been accepted. A workaround for that side effect is to use the non-highlighted button (use Tentative if Accepted is already highlighted). |
iOS 9 |
iOS 8 devices may not delete instances from the device when they are deleted from the server. (20733737) | Force the calendar to resync by turning Calendar Sync off and back on from the device. APAR LO84144 has been opened to create a workaround such that IBM Traveler will sync a delete, then an add to device for any changes to an event instead of a change sync. The fix for this APAR is in Traveler | iOS 9 |
iOS 8.1.x devices display an extra week for All Day events that have a weekly repeat rule with more than one day of the week included. (19176737) | Avoid the weekly rule for All Day events with more than one day of the week included. | iOS 8.3 |
The Location field in Calendar events is removed on iOS 8 device when updating to the server. (18586613) | IBM Traveler APAR LO82292 includes a workaround to keep the server Location value if no Location field is provided by the device update. | iOS 8.3 |
Information added to the Body field of a Calendar event on the device does not sync to the user's mail database. (18652642) | Add the Notes field information to the event as an update after you create the event. Alternatively, you can also create the event from Notes or iNotes instead. | iOS 8.3 |
All-Day, yearly repeating events in the Sydney, Australia time zone may show as two days on some instances with Apple iOS 5 devices. The data is correct in Notes/Domino. This is a display issue in the Apple Calendar app. (10663624) | None | iOS 8 |
The Apple calendar shows extra calendar instances for repeating meetings using the time zone for Israel. If the calendar event starts before the end of the 2011 daylight savings time (DST) end date and repeats with instances beyond the 2012 DST begin date, there are instances shown when they should not. This results in duplicate events or deleted events being shown in the Calendar app but not in Notes. (11156094) | Modify the entire event in Notes to use the 2012 Israel time zone values. Split any events that start before the end of the 2011 Israel DST end date. | iOS 8 |
The calendar may stop syncing if the device encounters an error on the Exchange ActiveSync Provision command used to enforce the security settings on the device. (13088145) | Reboot the device. | iOS 8 |
Declining all instances of a previously accepted event on an iOS 6 device may result in some instances remaining on the device calendar. All instances are correctly removed from the Notes calendar. The instances that remain on the device calendar are instances the attendee has modified in some way. (14229890) | Decline any remaining instances on the device separately. | iOS 8 |
Rescheduling a repeating event using the option Save for future events may incorrectly send a Cancel notice for some instances of that event. (14229656) | Avoid using "Save for future events" option for event changes on the device | iOS 8 |
On Apple iPad running iOS 7, users are unable to add comments to the Organizer for an existing meeting in the Calendar Application. (17363941) | Try rotating the iPad from portrait to landscape or vice versa. If that has no effect, perform a soft reset of the device by holding the Power and the Home buttons for 10 seconds. When the device powers down, turn it back on and retry. |
iOS 8 |
The Exchange ActiveSync calendar information is not shown in Calendar app after an iOS 8 upgrade. (18383561) | Turn Calendars off in Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Account, then reboot the device. Turn Calendars back on and wait a few minutes to let the device resync the calendar data. If that has no effect, repeat the same steps, but reboot the device by holding the Home and Power buttons until you see the silver Apple logo. If that still has no effect, remove the account (most often, the profile that contains the account) and reboot by holding the Home and Power buttons until you see the silver Apple logo. Reinstall the account and wait a few minutes for all the applications to resync. |
iOS 8 |
Meetings for which the user is the chair appear on their iOS 6 device in a light gray color instead of the correct calendar color. (12431367) | This only occurs if the login name used to create the device sync profile contains a space. Remove the profile for IBM Traveler from the device and create a new one using a login name that does not contain any space characters. | iOS 7 |
Processing meeting notices from the device Notification pop-up or directly from the calendar may not work for iOS 6 and some iOS 7 levels. The device does not send the expected Meeting Response flow to the server. Processing notices from the device mail inbox or device calendar inbox queue should work as expected. (12951707) |
None | iOS 7 |
On an iPhone, the Calendar List view shows incorrect calendar dates. (8298699) | None | iOS 4.1 |