Spatial aggregation

Spatial aggregation is the aggregation of all data points for a group of resources over a specified period (the granularity). Data aggregations in Group Time Series reports are of the spatial aggregation type.

The result of the aggregation is one data point that reflects some statistical view of the collected and aggregated data points — for example, average, minimum, maximum, sum, or count. Typically, multiple aggregated data points are presented in a report for the given reporting period.

This figure shows spatial aggregation where Granularity = Polling Period.

Spatial Aggregation where Granularity = Polling Period

In this figure:
  • Data points are collected from a group of three resources (Interface A, Interface B, and Interface C) every 5 minutes (the polling period).
  • The granularity for this aggregation is also 5 minutes.
  • The data points collected during each granularity period are aggregated into a single statistical value. For example, the average of all the collected data points.
  • The time stamp for each aggregated value is taken from the middle of the 5 minute granularity period. For example, 6.02 is the midpoint between 6:00:00 and 6:04:59, given the two-decimal precision.

The following figure shows the previous case, but with a 10 minute granularity. Note the data points collected during the 5 minute, 6:40:00–6:44:59 polling period have not yet been included in the next 10 minute aggregation:

Granularity = 2 x Polling Period