Comprehensive report types

The comprehensive report type provides granular traffic data, and aggregated (roll-up) data.

  • Granular data generally represents the traffic data that is loaded into the database during regular intervals, which are generally hourly or subhourly.
  • Aggregated (roll-up) totals are granular data that have been aggregated. Granular traffic data can be aggregated into larger units of time or at higher-levels of the system hierarchy. (You can also create roll-up totals by selecting a lower-level field. See Aggregating (Rolling up) fields to the Focal Entity level.

The options in the Group By section determine the units of time and the levels of the system hierarchy at which traffic data is aggregated. See Group By and report totals.

The types of comprehensive reports that are covered in this section are; comprehensive with granular traffic data, granular data with drill-down totals, and summary totals with no corresponding granular data.

The following sections review and provide examples for each comprehensive report type, and provide a set of guidelines for creating successful reports.