
The RExtract function uses regular expressions to extract a substring from a string.

This function supports Perl 5 style regular expressions.


The RExtract function has the following syntax:

String = RExtract(Expression, Pattern, Flag)


The RExtract function has the following parameters.

Table 1. RExtract function parameters






String that contains the substring to extract. The data to extract is within () in the Expression.



Regular expression pattern that specifies the substring to extract.


true or false

The behavior of the function RExtract() changed when Regex libraries were updated in FP3 for IBM Netcool/Impact version 7.1.0. The new library tokenizes '.*' into two strings: the whole string, and an empty string. Then it returns the last string, which is NULL.

Set Flag to true to return the last match (in the case of multiple matches). This is equivalent to the legacy behavior. When Flag = true (the default) the last match is returned (in the case of multiple matches).

Set Flag to false to return the entire string, with dot-star (.*). This is equivalent to legacy behavior. When Flag = true (the default) NULL is returned instead with dot-star (.*)

The default setting for this parameter is true.

Return value

The extracted string.


Example 1

The following example shows how to use the RExtract function.

Log(RExtract("Not responding to ping on host DB_01", ".*\s(DB_01).*"));

This example prints the following message to the policy log:

Parser Log: DB_01

Example 2

The following example shows how to perform a case-insensitive match.

In the pattern parameter, prefix the pattern string with the case insensitive modifier: (?i).

expression = 'application/json;charset=utf-8';
test = Log(RExtract(expression, '(?i)(APPLICATION/JSON)'));

This example prints the following message to the policy log:

[PolicyLogger][testRExtract][pool-4-thread-11]Parser log: application/json

If the expression contains multiple lines and you want the pattern to span across line terminators, use the dotall modifier: (?s).

expression="Line1: IGNORE\r\nBEGIN Line2\r\nLine3\r\nLine4\r\nEND\r\nLine5: IGNORE";
Log(RExtract(expression, "(?s)BEGIN(.*)END"));  // Prints nothing

This example returns a match spanning across several lines:

[PolicyLogger][4REXTRACTSAMPLES][pool-4-thread-11]Parser log:  Line2

Example 3

This example shows legacy RExtract behavior.

In the case of multiple matches, return the first one:

test = RExtract(expression, "<siteId\b[^>]*>(.*?)</siteId>",false);
testNum = length(test);
log ("Test Num= " + testNum);
log ("Site ID = " + test);

This example prints the following message to the policy log:

[PolicyLogger]: [testRExtract][pool-3-thread-9]Parser log: Test Num= 3
[PolicyLogger]: [testRExtract][pool-3-thread-9]Parser log: Site ID = 122

In the case of multiple matches, return the last one:

test = RExtract(expression, "<siteId\b[^>]*>(.*?)</siteId>",true);
testNum = length(test);
log ("Test Num= " + testNum);
log ("Site ID = " + test);

This example prints the following message to the policy log:

[PolicyLogger]: [testRExtract][pool-3-thread-9]Parser log: Test Num= 3
[PolicyLogger]: [testRExtract][pool-3-thread-9]Parser log: Site ID = 234

Example 4

This example returns NULL to RExtract, starting with Impact

Log(RExtract("Not responding to ping on host DB_01", ".*"));

This will return and log NULL.

Previously, the legacy version of Impact would return the entire string. To return the entire string, in Impact version or later, set Flag = false (the non-default setting) as in the following example:

Log(RExtract("Not responding to ping on host DB_01", ".*",false));

This will return and log the entire string: Not responding to ping on host DB_01.