IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Tivoli Enterprise Portal

Tivoli Enterprise Portal is the interface to your monitoring products. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal consists of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and one or more clients.

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (referred to as the portal server) manages data access through user workspace consoles (the portal clients). The portal server connects to a hub monitoring server; it retrieves data from the hub in response to user actions at a portal client, and sends the data back to the portal client for presentation. The portal server also provides presentation information to the portal client so that it can render the user interface views suitably.

The portal server also includes the optional dashboard data provider which is used by Dashboard Application Services Hub to retrieve read-only monitoring data from the hub monitoring server and monitoring agents. Dashboard Application Services Hub can display this data in dashboard applications such as the IBM® Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers, IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for VMware, IBM Infrastructure Management Capacity Planner for VMware, IBM Infrastructure Management Capacity Planner for PowerVM® or in custom dashboards. (The IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for VMware, IBM Infrastructure Management Capacity Planner for VMware, IBM Infrastructure Management Capacity Planner for PowerVM applications are provided with the 7.2 release or later of IBM SmartCloud™ Monitoring and IBM Tivoli® Monitoring for Virtual Environments.)

The portal server uses a DB2®, Derby, or Microsoft SQL database to store various artifacts related to presentation at the portal client.

The portal client provides access to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. There are two kinds of portal client:
