About workspaces

A workspace is the working area of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal application window. At the left of the workspace is a Navigator that you use to select the workspace you want to see. As part of the application window, the right side of the status bar shows the Tivoli Enterprise Portal server name and port number to which the displayed information applies, and the ID of the current user.

When you select an item in the Navigator tree, a default workspace is displayed. When you right-click a Navigator item, a menu that includes a Workspace item is displayed. The Workspace item contains a list of workspaces for that Navigator item. Each workspace has at least one view. Some views have links to other workspaces.

This monitoring agent provides predefined workspaces. You cannot modify or delete the predefined workspaces, but you can create new workspaces by editing them and saving the changes with a different name.

A table view within a workspace corresponds to a group of attributes; the columns in the table view show some or all of the attributes available in the attribute group.