This section of CKMINI controls options that affect the behavior of the GENERATE BCS-UNLOAD command in batch mode.
This supplies the first job card for every job.
If you want multiple jobs generated by GENERATE to have unique jobnames, the model jobname in the JOB1 token can be changed to have trailing periods. The periods will be replaced with a sequential numeric value.
For example, JOB1 = '//JOBN?...
JOB operands'
will generate jobnames of
JOBN?001, JOBN?002, and so on up to a maximum of 7 digits. The first
character of a jobname cannot be numeric, therefore, the first period
must not be in the first position of the jobname.
JOB2 = ' ', JOB3 = ' ', and JOB4 = ' '
JOB2 through JOB4 provide additional job or JES statements. If these tokens are left blank, they will not be in the output.
An integer indicating the maximum number of AMS commands per step.
An integer indicating the maximum number of steps per job.