This section sets keyword defaults for the ALTER GDG command.
When the PRINT keyword is not specified in the ALTER GDG command, this token provides the assumed default value.
- NONE causes the batch SYSPRINT messages to focus more on the GDG
structural and attribute issues, and only report on individual generation data sets when a problem
is detected. Otherwise, the generation data sets are referenced only in count
KEY enables reporting on individual generation data sets with a GDG as line items.
DATA will report on individual generation data sets with detail, including the list of volsers that the dataset resides on, SMS attributes, Volume, DSCB, and NVR status, etc.
- NO causes ALTER GDG to leave all rolled-out generations in that original state when the GDG LIMIT has been increased, and thus behave like IDCAMS ALTER LIMIT(nnn) when specifying an increased value. Older SMS-Managed generations that are on DASD or have been migrated will remain in the rolled-out state, even though the LIMIT would be able to include these generations as Active.
- YES tells ALTER GDG to automatically roll in those older generations that been previously rolled out, when the existing or new LIMIT value allows for additional Active generations.
- YES allows ALTER GDG in EXECUTE mode to update the VVDS NVR of an SMS-Managed DASD generation dataset so that the attribute in the NVR is consistent with its corresponding catalog entry in the BCS.
- NO prevents ALTER GDG from updating the VVDS NVR of SMS-Managed DASD generation data sets. This option is not recommended for normal use because it can cause anomalistic conditions.
- YES permits ALTER GDG in EXECUTE mode to Scratch generation data sets when the DFSMS rules dictate that the DASD dataset is to be scratched. An SMS-Managed dataset on DASD must be either cataloged or scratched. The SCRATCH/NOSCRATCH attribute of the GDG base will be honored.
- NO prevents ALTER GDG from physically scratching any DASD generation data sets that will be uncataloged, even if the GDG base has the SCRATCH attribute. When SMS-Managed generations exceed the GDG LIMIT, they will instead be rolled-out as if the GDG had the NOSCRATCH attribute
DEFAULT_WAIT = 0 | nnnnn.nn
When the WAIT keyword is not specified in the ALTER GDG command, this token provides the assumed default value. This specifies how many accumulated seconds ALTER GDG should wait per each selected GDG while acquiring control under contention for all ENQ and RESERVE resources necessary to serialize a complete GDG Sphere structure. The time interval may be specified as any value from 0 to 86400 seconds, and up to 2 digits to the right of the decimal point are accepted. If ALTER GDG is unable to obtain control of the GDG within that time interval, then the processing of that GDG is bypassed. When the WAIT value is zero, ALTER GDG will immediately skip processing of that GDG when contention on an ENQ or RESERVE resource is detected.