Submitting audit jobs

Select the Audit Submission option from the Administrative Menu to select an audit procedure from the Audit Jobs menu and submit the job for execution.

About this task

When you select an audit procedure form Audit Jobs menu, the JCL for the audit job is generated automatically, using the parameter values that were specified in the AKDCMD00 member as part of the product configuration process.

Important: Use a STEPLIB DD in the AKDJMAIN, rather than a LINKLIST.


  1. In the Cmd column on the Audit Jobs panel, type S next to the appropriate audit job and press Enter to display the JclPview panel.
  2. On the JclPview panel, specify what you want done with the JCL by typing the appropriate letter in the Command line and pressing Enter:
    • Type B to browse the generated JCL for the audit job.
    • Type E to edit the generated JCL before submitting it.
    • Type S to submit the generated JCL immediately.
    • Type X to save the generated JCL to an external data set.
  3. Optional: If you specified that you wanted the generated JCL copied to an external data set, complete these fields on the COPYDS panel:
    1. In the Destination Data Set name field, type the name of the data set to which you want the generated JCL copied.
    2. If the destination data set is a partitioned data set, type the name of the destination data set member to which you want the generated JCL copied.
    3. Press Enter.


When the audit job finishes execution, you can view the audit results by selecting the Auditing option from the Main Menu, then selecting the appropriate option on the AKD710 panel.