Listing PLAN data set members

Select the List PLAN Members option from the Administrative Menu to generate a filtered list of the members in the PLAN data sets. The PLAN members contain fixes and saved report formats (plans).


  1. Select the List PLAN Members option from the Administrative Menu to display the Members in the Plans Data Sets panel.
  2. In the Member Name field, specify a mask that matches the member names of interest.
  3. In the Data Set Name field, specify a mask that matches the data set names of interest.
  4. In the New Format field, specify either Y or N. Specify Y to display members uses the new plan format or specify N to display members uses the old plan format or some other type of member.
    Note: New plan format is the members which are created via the FORMAT scroller command to customize different display panels as per the user’s preferred view so that user won’t have to customize the panel every time.
  5. Press Enter to display the member list. Use the HELP function key to guide you as you make entries and use line commands on this panel.
  6. Press the END key to exit the Members in Plans Data Sets panel and display the Administrative Menu.