Function keywords define the functions that Advanced Allocation Management performs, and the values it is to use for those functions when it finds a match using the associated selection criteria.
The following table shows common issues, the corresponding abends (if applicable), and the functions to use.
Type of issue and abend | Functions |
During end-of-volume processing, no more space was available on the volume, the data set reached 16 extents, or the VTOC was full. (IEC030I, B37 abend.) | Increase, reduce, or adjust secondary to best fit; dynamically add volumes. For more information, see Reduce secondary allocation to largest available free extent (SEC_BEST) and Dynamically add volumes (VOL_ADD). |
A data set that was opened for output used all of the primary space and no secondary space was requested. (IEC031I, D37 abend.) | Add a secondary allocation. For more information, see Add a secondary allocation (SEC_ALLOC). |
A data set that was opened for output used all of the available space on the current volume and no more volumes were available. (IEC032I, E37 abend.) | Dynamically add volumes, reduce secondary, or adjust it to best fit. For more information, see Dynamically add volumes (VOL_ADD) and Reduce secondary allocation to largest available free extent (SEC_BEST). |
In a DD statement, the SPACE parameter requested more tracks than were available on the requested direct-access volume. (IEF257I, JOB FAILED - JCL ERROR.) | Reduce primary. For more information, see Controlled reduction of primary space (PRIM_REDUCE). |
Ineffective use of existing storage resources; poor planning; arbitrary use of existing JCL. | Adjust secondary to best fit, release unused space. For more information, see Reduce secondary allocation to largest available free extent (SEC_BEST). |
An attempt was made to store directory information for a new member in a PDS using the MVS™ STOW service, and all of the directory blocks are full. | Dynamically increase the directory space within the partitioned data set. For more information, see Dynamic PDS directory increase (PDS_DIR_INC). |
An attempt was made to catalog a new data set, but the data set is cataloged on another volume. | Detect the attempt to catalog the duplicate data set and perform processing to prevent the potential use of the wrong data set. For more information, see Process NOT CATLGD 2 errors (NOTCAT2). |
Control the initial allocation of non-SMS volumes. | Use the Advanced Volume Selection keywords to select volumes from user-defined pools. For more information, see Advanced Volume Selection (AVS). |
Modify data set attributes to enforce standards. | Use the SET_ functions of Enhanced Allocation Management. For more information, see Enhanced Allocation Management functions. |
Terminate allocation upon matching selection criteria. | Use the TERM_ALLOC function after matching on various selection criteria. For more information, see Terminate an allocation (TERM_ALLOC). |
Tune volume selection. | Specify the volume selection algorithm for initial and subsequent volume allocation. For more information, see Advanced Volume Selection (AVS). |
For more information, see Function keywords.