Predefined situations

This monitoring agent contains the following predefined situations, which are organized by Navigator item.

  • Backup Control Data Set Error Summary
    • KRG_BCDS_Critical_Error
  • HSM Tape Error Summary
    • KRG_HSM_Tape_Critical_Errors
  • Migration Control Data Set Error Summary
    • KRG_MCDS_Critical_Error
  • Offline Control Data Set Error Summary
    • KRG_OCDS_Critical_Error
The remaining sections of this chapter contain descriptions of each of these situations. The situations are organized by Navigator item. The following information is provided about each situation:
Information about the conditions that the situation tests.
Attribute groups
Names of the attribute groups that contain the attributes from which the situation retrieves data samples.
Syntax that contains one or more logical expressions describing the conditions for the situation to monitor.
Run at startup
Whether the situation is automatically distributed to instances of the agent or is available for manual distribution.
Sampling interval
Number of seconds that elapses between one sample of data that the monitoring agent collects for the server and the next sample.
Situation persistence
Whether the conditions specified in the situation evaluate to "true" for the defined number of occurrences in a row before the situation is raised. The default of 1 means no persistence checking takes place.
Severity of the predefined events: Warning, Informational, or Critical.
Clearing conditions
Controls when a true situation closes: after a period of time, when another situation is true, or whichever occurs first if both are selected.