Use the ZAP VVDS PRINT command to print a VVDS record or the contents of a VVDS control interval.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramZAPVVDS(SYS1.VVDS.V volservolser)PRinT( RBA(X'00000000')CouNT(1)DUMPPath APath B CouNT(1)CouNT(1ALLn))
Path A
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramRBA(X'00000000')RBA(X' rba')CoMPonent(keyX' key')KRQ( annn)VVDS-RECTYPE(*NQZ)VVCMVVCNVVCRDUMPCellDUMPForMaTKey-OnlyFATal-read-ERRor(ERROR)FATal-read-ERRor(WARNINGERROR)
Path B
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramControl-Interval(0n)DUMP

ZAP VVDS PRINT Command Syntax


specifies the volume serial of the VVDS.
specifies the relative byte address of a specific record. The RBA is a four byte hexadecimal value. Specify the full value using 2-for-1 notation. For example, 0001C000.
specifies a fully qualified or masked object name to be located within the VVR and NVR records maintained in the VVDS. Please remember that this will be the component name, not cluster, for VSAM objects. You can specify the component name as:
  • A space-delimited character string. For example, SYS1.LINKLIB.
  • A delimited character string. For example, C'SYS1.LINKLIB'.
  • A delimited hexadecimal string. For example, X'E2E8E2F14BD3C9D5D2D3C9C2'.
specifies the key range qualifier suffix value that was appended to the component's data set name as a result of the DEFINE command KEYRANGE parameter. The value is in the format A001, A002, and so on. The ZAP command will append this value to the specified COMPONENT name as a compare value on the component name search.
specifies the particular VVDS record type to be processed. You must specify one of the following values:
  • * - Any VVDS record type. This is the default.
  • N - Non-VSAM (NVR) record.
  • Q - Secondary VSAM (VVR) record.
  • Z - Primary VSAM (VVR) record.
indicates that any and all VVCM extension records to the VVCR are to be printed. A VVCM is required any time the physical allocated size of the VVDS exceeds approximately six cylinders. When VVCM is specified, only VVCM records are printed.
indicates that any and all VVCN extension records to the VVCR are to be printed. A VVCN is required any time there are more than 36 BCSs associated to a VVDS. When VVCN is specified, only VVCN records are printed.
indicates that the first record in the VVDS, the VVDS Volume Control Record (VVCR) is to be printed. When VVCR is specified, the VVCR and all VVCNs or VVCMs that are present within the VVDS are printed.
specifies that the records are shown in 16 bytes per line in hexadecimal and limited EBCDIC. This is similar to the "standard" dump format.
specifies that each cell of the VVDS record is printed separately in DUMP format.
specifies the VVDS record will be formatted by individual field within cell. For binary fields, the individual bit flags will, if known, be identified.
specifies that only the key content is printed.
controls what happens when a serious read error is encountered when processing the input object. Fatal errors are caused by anomalies in the VSAM structure. For example, a spanned record is maintained in two or more control intervals; if the update number in these control intervals is not synchronized, attempts to read the record will fail.
  • ERROR - issues an error message and terminates with a return code of 8.
  • WARNING - issue a warning message and continues with a return code of 4.
specifies the number of the CI to be processed.
specifies the number of records that are to be processed.
  • 1 - process one record. This is the default.
  • ALL - process all remaining records. If RBA, CONTROL-INTERVAL, or a non-masked COMPONENT is also specified, ALL indicates that all records from that point forward are processed. If a masked COMPONENT is specified, ALL indicates that all records matching the mask are processed.
  • n - process the specified number of records. You can specify an integer from 1 to 99999999.

Usage notes

  • When inspecting the Data Component VVR of a catalog that is in an ECS-Active state, the information shown may be out-of-date and inaccurate because the official version of that VVR resides within the Coupling Facility structure SYSIGGCAS_ECS. To accurately inspect the BCS Data Component VVR of an ECS catalog, the catalog should first be removed from ECS.