Verifying the installation
Use the JCL in the GLOJIVP1 member of the SGLOSAMP Advanced Allocation Management sample library to verify the installation.
Before you begin
The JCL in the GLOJIVP1 member is used with the sample rule definitions (RULEDEFS), volume group definitions (VGRPDEFS), and user-defined variable (VARDEFS) members to verify the basic operation of the Advanced Allocation Management functions.
Run the JCL in the GLOJIVP1 member on the z/OS® image where you want to verify the installation of Advanced Allocation Management.
- Any SMS data class to which an IVP test data set is assigned should have the SMS ADD'L VOLUME AMOUNT attribute option set to (P) Primary.
- Modify the GLOSVARS VARDEFS member VALUE= keyword to specify the name of the data set that you modified in the VARSUB step of GLOJIVP1.
About this task
Step | Description | Expected results |
DELETE1-DELETE9, DELETEA-DELETED | The DELETE steps deletes any previously used test data sets that might alter your results. | Return code 0. |
ALLOC1 | The ALLOC1 step allocates the test data set. | Return code 0. |
AVS | The AVS step tests the AVS function for non-VSAM
data sets. Note: The data set that is created in this step must be
a non SMS-managed data set.
Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2148I AVS HAS SUCCESSFULLY SELECTED ALL VOLUMES GLO2156I VOLSER(S): vvvvvv GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,AVS,,SYSUT2,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set, and vvvvvv is the chosen volser. |
DIRINC | The DIRINC step tests the PDS_DIR_INC function by dynamically adding a second directory block to a PDS that has a full directory. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2150I INCREASING PDS DIRECTORY SIZE GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,DIRINC,,DD21,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set. |
DSINIT | The DSINIT step tests the DATASET_INIT function. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2080I INITIALIZING DATA SET GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,DSINIT,,DD1,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set. Note: These results occur only if Advanced Allocation Management was
initialized with
Z1_INTERCEPT=ENABLE specified in
the OPTIONS member. Otherwise, the step ends with RC=0; the data set
is not initialized; and the messages are not issued. |
NCATCRE | The NCATCRE step creates the test data set for NOTCAT2=SCRATCH in preparation for the next test. | Return code 0. |
NCATSCR | The NCATSCR step uses a test data set to test the NOTCAT2 function. This step tests the NOTCAT2=SCRATCH function. After the test finishes, the data set is deleted. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2084I DATA SET ON VOLSER vvvvvv SCRATCHED AT ALLOCATION TIME GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,NCATSCR,,SYSUT2,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set, and vvvvvv is the volser of the volume on which the old data set was cataloged. |
NOTCAT2 | The NOTCAT2 step tests the NOTCAT2 function. Note:
Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2051I JOB SET TO FAIL DUE TO NOT CATLGD 2 ON VOLSER vvvvvv GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,NOTCAT2,,SYSUT5,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set, and vvvvvv is the volser of the volume on which the NOT CATLGD 2 error occurred. |
PRIMRED | The PRIMRED step tests the PRIM_REDUCE function by reducing a high primary allocation quantity for the test data set until the allocation is successful. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2118I REDUCING PRIMARY ALLOCATION TO nnnnn TRACKS GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,PRIMRED,,SYSUT2,dsname Where nnnnn is the new allocation quantity, and dsname is the name of the data set. Note: Multiple sets of the messages might
SECALLOC | The SECALLOC step tests the SEC_ALLOC function by adding a secondary allocation amount when the test data set expands to its second extent. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2100I SETTING SECONDARY ALLOCATION TO 1 TRKS GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,SECALLOC,,SYSUT2,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set. |
SECBEST | The SECBEST step tests the SEC_BEST function by reducing the secondary allocation quantity for the test data set to a value that fits on the volume. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2103I EXTENT-MATCHING SECONDARY ALLOCATION TO nnnnn TRKS GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,SECBEST,,SYSUT2,dsname Where nnnnn is the new allocation quantity that reflects the largest available extent, and dsname is the name of the data set. |
SECINC | The SECINC step tests the SEC_INC function by starting at the third extent of the test data set and increasing the secondary allocation amount by 100% of the previous amount. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2106I INCREASING SECONDARY ALLOCATION TO 2 TRKS GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,SECINC,,SYSUT2,dsname GLO2106I INCREASING SECONDARY ALLOCATION TO 4 TRKS GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,SECINC,,SYSUT2,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set. |
SECRED | The SECRED step tests the SEC_REDUCE function by reducing the secondary allocation amount for the test data set to the largest available extent, after a secondary allocation failure occurs. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2109I REDUCING SECONDARY ALLOCATION TO nnnnn TRKS GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,SECINC,,SYSUT3,dsname Where nnnnn is the new allocation quantity that reflects the largest available extent, and dsname is the name of the data set. |
SECREL | The SECREL step tests the SEC_RELEASE function by allocating several tracks for the test data set. Only one track is used. (A partial release truncates the unused tracks and leaves only one track for the primary allocation.) | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2125I SPACE RELEASE RECOVERED nnnnnnnnn TRACKS GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,SECREL,,SYSUT2,dsname Where nnnnnnnnn is the number of tracks that are released, and dsname is the name of the data set. |
SETCLASS | The SETCLASS step tests the SET_DATACLAS function. The data set is assigned an incorrect data class in the JCL, and then the SET_DATACLAS function removes the incorrect data class. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2194I SET PROCESSING COMPLETE; DATACLAS=(NULL) (OLD VALUE=dddddddd) GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,,,SYSUT9,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set, and dddddddd is the name of the data class. |
SETUNITNT | The SETUNITNT step tests the SET_UNITNAME function. The data set is assigned an incorrect unit name in the JCL. Then the SET_UNIT_NAME function changes the name to SYSALLDA. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2194I SET PROCESSING COMPLETE; UNIT_NAME=SYSALLDA (OLD VALUE=ABCDEFGH) GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,SETUNITN,,DD1,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set. |
VARSUB | The VARSUB step tests the variable substitution selection substitution. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2188I MATCHING INCLUDE RULEDEF LINE NUMBER = nnnnn - ssys GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,VARSUB,,SYSUT1,ddddd.dddddd. dddddd - ssys Where nnnnn is the matching RULEDEF line number; ssys is the Advanced Allocation Management subsystem identifier; and ddddd.dddddd.dddddd is the modified data set name that is specified by &GLOVAR1 in the GLOSVARS variable definition control member. |
VAVS | The VAVS step tests the AVS function for VSAM
data sets. Note: The data set that is created in this step must be
a non SMS-managed data set.
Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO3148I AVS HAS SUCCESSFULLY SELECTED ALL VOLUMES-DATA GLO3156I VOLSER(S): vvvvvv GLO3123I GLOJIVP1,VAVS,,,dsname GLO3148I AVS HAS SUCCESSFULLY SELECTED ALL VOLUMES-INDEX GLO3156I VOLSER(S): vvvvvv GLO3123I GLOJIVP1,VAVS,,,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set, and vvvvvv is the chosen volser. |
VOLADD | The VOLADD step tests the VOL_ADD function by testing the need to extend to an additional volume. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO2128I DATA SET SUCCESSFULLY EXTENDED TO VOLUME vvvvvv GLO2123I GLOJIVP1,VOLADD,,SYSUT4,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set, and vvvvvv is the volser of the volume to which the data set was extended. |
VPRIMRED | The VPRIMRED step tests the PRIM_REDUCE function by defining a VSAM data set with a high primary allocation quantity. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO3118I REDUCING PRIMARY ALLOCATION TO nnnnn CYLINDERS GLO3123I GLOJIVP1,VPRIMRED,,,dsname Where nnnnn is the new allocation quantity, and dsname is the name of the data set. Note: Multiple sets of the first two messages
might occur.
VSECALC | The VSECALC step tests the SEC_ALLOC function by defining a VSAM data set with a zero secondary allocation quantity and then copying data into it. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO3100I SETTING SECONDARY ALLOCATION TO 1 CYLS GLO3123I GLOJIVP1,VSECALC,,SYS0002,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set. |
VSECBEST | The VSECBEST step tests the SEC_BEST function by defining a VSAM data set with a high secondary allocation quantity and then copying data into it. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO3103I EXTENT-MATCHING DATA SECONDARY ALLOCATION TO nnnnn CYLS GLO3123I GLOJIVP1,VSECBST,,SYS0004,dsname Where nnnnn is the new allocation quantity that reflects the largest available extent, and dsname is the name of the data set. |
VSECRED | The VSECRED step tests the SEC_REDUCE function by defining a VSAM data set with a high secondary allocation quantity and then copying data into it. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO3109I REDUCING DATA SECONDARY ALLOCATION TO nnnnn CYLS GLO3123I GLOJIVP1,VSECRED,,SYS0006,dsname Where nnnnn is the new allocation quantity that reflects the largest available extent, and dsname is the name of the data set. |
VVOLADD | The VVOLADD step tests the VOL_ADD function by defining a VSAM data set with a zero secondary allocation quantity and then copying data into it. | Return code 0 and the following messages: GLO3128I DATA SUCCESSFULLY EXTENDED TO VOLUME vvvvvv - ssss GLO3123I GLOJIVP1,VVOLADD,,SYS0008,dsname Where dsname is the name of the data set; vvvvvv is the volser of the volume to which the data set was extended; and ssss is the subsystem. |
Successful GLOJIVP1 results
Figure 1 shows an example of successful GLOJIVP1 JCL results.