Listing data sets allocated to the address space

Select the Address Space Allocation option from the Product Menu to display a list of the data sets that have been allocated to the product address space.

You can filter the data by data set name, DD name, volume serial number, or any combination of these attributes.

 PRDAlloc ------- IBM Tivoli Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm V2R6 ----------- 11:13 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 Data Sets Allocated to the Product Address Space:          Row 1 of 7 More   > 
 Line Commands are . . . :  LC VOL                                              
 Cmd Data Set Name                                Name     Volser Member   Disp 
     AKD.JKS0206.LOADLIB                          STEPLIB  SMS022          SHR  
     AKDX.AKD0206.SAKDLOAD                                 SMS023          SHR  
     AKDX.AKD0206.SAKDPARM                        PARMLIB  SMS023          SHR  
     STC.AKD0206.S0011133.D0000101.?              CEEDUMP                  MOD  
     STC.AKD0206.S0011133.D0000102.?              SYSOUT                   MOD  
     STC.AKD0206.S0011133.D0000103.?              AKDLOG                   MOD  
     STC.AKD0206.S0011133.D0000104.?              AKDVERS                  MOD  
For each data set, the following information is shown:
  • Data set name
  • Name of the DD statement to which the data set is allocated
  • Serial number of the volume on which the data resides
  • Name of the member allocated in the data set
  • Disposition of allocation
  • Normal and conditional dispositions of allocation
  • Number of EXCPs to the data set
By selecting an individual data set and using the appropriate line command, you can do any of the following from this panel:
  • Display primary volume information
  • Display LISTCAT information for the data set

To exit the Data Sets Allocated to Address Space panel and display the Product Menu, press the END function key.