Performing administrative tasks

You can perform a variety of administrative tasks from the Administrative Menu panel, such as customizing product processing parameters, listing library members, testing HSM command access for user IDs, and submitting audit procedures.

When you select the Administrative Tasks option from the Main Menu panel, the Administrative Menu panel appears. From the Administrative Menu, you can select the task you want to perform.

 AdmnMenu ------- IBM Tivoli Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm V2R6 ----------- 13:32 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 Administrative Menu:                                       Row 1 of 7          
    Report Name                    Description                                  
  1 Customization                  Customization Functions                      
  2 HSM Command Access             Test User Access to HSM Commands             
  3 List Parmlib Members           Interact With Parmlib Members                
  4 List PLAN Members              Interact with PLAN Members                   
  5 List CNTL Members              Interact with CNTL Members                   
  6 Audit Submission               Submit Audit Jobs                            
Select the Customization option to change the JCL processing parameters or override the names of the data sets that are used by the Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm started task (or both).
HSM Command Access
Select the HSM Command Access option to determine whether a user ID has access to HSM commands.
List Parmlib Members
Select the List Parmlib Members option to display a filtered list of the members in the PARMLIB data set.
List PLAN Members
Select the List PLAN Members option to display a filtered list of the members in the PLANS data set. Members of the PLANS library contain fixes and sets of report formatting commands (plans).
List CNTL Members
Select the List CNTL Members option to display a filtered list of the members in the CNTL data set.
Audit Submission
Select this option to submit an audit procedure for execution.