EXPLORE FILES - Search z/OS UNIX for Files

Use the EXPLORE FILES command to search for z/OS UNIX files.

EXPLORE uses z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX) callable services. The EXPLORE FILES command has an extensive list of criteria keyword filters that can be specified. These criteria keyword filters can be applied using full Boolean logic, allowing you to develop simple or complex searches, as your needs require.

EXPLORE FILES also sets the USER-READ, USER-WRITE, and USER-EXEC fields for filtering and/or extract to reflect the user’s ID and group privileges or the privileges for the user and group set by the EFFECTIVE-USER and EFFECTIVE-GROUP keywords.

After the search is complete you can have the EXPLORE FILES command produce these types of reports on the selected data sets:
  • A single column name list report.
  • A pseudo-LISTCAT report for each selected item.
  • An extract flat file that you can post-process with the Advanced Catalog Management REPORT command, MQFL, or with your own software (for example, with REXX, SAS, or user-written program).