Automatic error correction

You can select the fixes that most appropriately satisfy the requirements of your environment, make those selections the default, and then have Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm apply them automatically.

Every audit procedure has a corresponding member in the &ppfx.SAKDCNTL library. These are the generic plans and automatic fix routines for each diagnostic error that can be repaired. The recommended fixes must be defined by the customer where appropriate. You should review the automatic fixes member and select the fixes that most appropriately satisfy your environment so only those fixes are applied when the audit procedure is run.

A plan for each diagnostic error is distributed with the product and resides in the &ppfx.PLANS library. The naming convention of each plan member is the five-digit diagnostic error preceded by a P. The naming convention of the preferred fix for that plan is a five-digit diagnostic error preceded by an F. The contents of a sample automatic fixes member is shown below.

This is an example of the AKDZAFxx member in the &ppfx.SAKDCNTL library.

***************************** Top of Data ******************************
Pxxxxx   Fxxxxx

Column 1 contains the start of the plan member name and column 10 contains the start of the fix to apply. If you do not want to apply a fix automatically, specify NONE for both the plan member to execute (starting in column 1) and the preferred fix (starting in column 10).

If automatic fixes have been turned on, a dataset named &PFX.AUDIT.&TYPE.FIXES contains the JCL and fix commands needed to fix the errors identified. &PFX is the runtime prefix set in the AKDINI member in the SAKDPARM library. &TYPE is determined based upon the type of audit performed (MCDS, BCDS, and so forth).

To apply the fixes automatically, you must make the following change to your audit procedure:

  • Near the end of each audit job, there is an IEBGENER step that is commented out. When you uncomment this step, the automatic fixes created by the job are submitted to the internal reader.

Advanced Audit for DFSMShsm can perform IBM recommended fixes automatically. This option is turned on by changing the IBM_AUTOFIX token in the AKDINI member in the SAKDPARM library (see the AKDINI configuration values appendix). If this parameter is set to YES, specific IBM-recommended fixes are generated when errors are found. These fixes are placed into a data set and can be sent to the internal reader for submission. It is highly recommended to have a relatively clean CDS environment before automatically submitting fixes to the internal reader. In the beginning, it is recommended to review the fixes before submitting them.