Step 4: Prepare environment

Complete these steps to prepare your environment.

Before you begin

Be sure that the CKMINI values are set as desired before completing this configuration step.


  1. Edit the CKMJCLBD member of the SCKMCNTL library.
    See the comments at the beginning of the member.
    1. Provide a valid job card statement.
    2. Change the PPFX=PPFX on the //CKMPROC statement to PPFX=your.runtime.hlq.
  2. Run the CKMJCLBD JCL.
    This substitutes variables specified in the CKMINI into the SCKMCNTL members. You can run CKMJCLBD multiple times. You must completely exit the SCKMCNTL library in order for the CKMJCLBD job to run.