Shutdown commands

With shutdown commands, you can shutdown Advanced Allocation Management subsystem which is similar to Stop command and optionally perform cleanup of intercepts as well.


Stop the started task. This is similar to STOP stcname command.


Stop the started task, additionally remove all the intercepts that were established during the product initialization.


Validate & check the eligibility of the SHUTDOWN CLEANUP command

Usage and processing considerations
  • To avail cleanup function, the product should be initialized (that is, STC is brought up for the first time during the life of an IPL) with the maintenance level that supports Cleanup function. In other words, if Advance Allocation Management is brought up initially with the previous maintenance level, then Cleanup cannot be performed. And the message GLO1680E will be displayed.
  • Cleanup function can be invoked even after multiple recycles of Advanced Allocation Management STC. That is, if the STC is stopped after the initialization using the normal shutdown method, the cleanup can be performed once the STC is brought up.
  • Cleanup process expects that the product initialization was completed without any issues. Advanced Allocation Management validates all the intercept before proceeding with the Cleanup. And the Cleanup process will not be performed in case of any discrepancies.
  • Similarly, if Advanced Allocation Management’s intercepts are replaced by any other product, it does not perform the Cleanup.
  • It is recommended to issue SHUTDOWN CLEANUP TEST command before performing SHUTDOWN CLEANUP command.