Reviewing IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite pod and container logs

Complete the following steps to review the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Suite pod event log and logs for each container in the pod.

Before you begin

The datazip, update, and tririga containers are installed for TRIRIGA Application Suite.

The datazip and update containers both need to complete before the tririga container runs.


  1. Open the Red Hat® OpenShift® web console.
  2. Select Workloads > Pods to see the TRIRIGA Application Suite pod.
  3. To view the pod events log, select the Events tab.
  4. To view container logs, select the Logs tab.
  5. From the Containers menu, select the container that you want to diagnose. The main TRIRIGA Application Suite container is selected by default.
    The first init container, which loads a vanilla database.
    The second init container, which runs platform update packages.
    The main TRIRIGA Application Suite container.
  6. Optional: You can view the container logs from the oc CLI by entering the following command:

    oc logs <pod> -c <container>

    For example:

    oc logs tas-s1 -c datazip