Installing Maximo Monitor with TRIRIGA Application Suite

Complete the following steps to install and configure IBM® Maximo® Monitor with IBM TRIRIGA® Application Suite. You can then configure the Maximo Monitor integration with TRIRIGA Application Suite to unify your location hierarchies and enable more advanced IoT device monitoring and analytics in your workspaces.

Before you begin

Ensure that TRIRIGA Application Suite is installed.

Ensure that you have the following information:
  • IBM Maximo Application Suite license and entitlement details.
  • Maximo Application Suite Artifactory credentials.
  • IBM Suite License Service details and contact username and email.
  • IBM Data Reporter Operator username and email address.
Note: A separate instance of IBM Db2® is installed for Maximo Monitor, which is configured for an analytics workload. The TRIRIGA Application Suite Db2 database requires a different workload setting so cannot be used. If you are using Db2 for TRIRIGA Application Suite, ensure that you specify a different Db2 database name during the installation.

About this task

Maximo Application Suite Core, Maximo Application Suite IoT, and Maximo Monitor are installed in a separate namespace from TRIRIGA Application Suite.

A separate Suite License Service and Data Reporter Operator are installed for Maximo Application Suite.

Maximo Monitor must use the same persistent storage as TRIRIGA Application Suite. During installation, the appropriate storage classes are automatically detected.


  1. Install Python 3 by entering the following commands:

    For example, on Ubuntu:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3
    sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y python3-venv
  2. Create a local virtual environment by entering the following commands:

    python3 -m venv localvenv
    source ./localvenv/bin/activate
  3. Install Red Hat® Ansible® and Ansible playbook by entering the following commands:

    python3 --version
    python3 -m pip install ansible junit_xml pymongo xmljson jmespath kubernetes==12.0.1 openshift==0.12.1
    ansible --version
    ansible-playbook --version
  4. Install the Red Hat OpenShift® CLI by entering the following commands:

    wget -q
    tar -zxf openshift-client-linux-4.14.7.tar.gz
    mv oc kubectl /usr/local/bin/
    rm -rf openshift-client-linux-4.14.7.tar.gz
    oc version
  5. Log in to the TRIRIGA Application Suite cluster by entering the following command:

    You can get the OC login command from your Red Hat OpenShiftcluster UI.

    oc login --token=xxxx --server=https://myocpserver
  6. Get the Maximo Application Suite DevOps Ansible Collection by entering the following command:
    ansible-galaxy collection install ibm.mas_devops --force
  7. Create a mas_configs folder in the root directory, create an entitlement.lic, and add your Maximo Application Suite license to the entitlement.lic file by entering the following commands:

    mkdir /root/mas_configs
    vi /root/mas_configs/entitlement.lic
  8. Create a MAS directory to clone the Git repository of Ansible DevOps:

    mkdir /root/MAS
    cd /root/MAS
    git clone
    cd /root/MAS/ansible-devops/
    git pull
  9. Build the Ansible collection by entering the following commands:

    cd /root/MAS/ansible-devops/ibm/mas_devops/
    ansible-galaxy collection build --force
    ansible-galaxy collection install ibm-mas_devops-100.0.0.tar.gz --ignore-certs --force
    rm ibm-mas_devops-100.0.0.tar.gz
  10. Export the following variables and use the Ansible playbook to install Maximo Application Suite core.


    Enter the Maximo Application Suite artifactory username.


    Enter the Maximo Application Suite artifactory token.

    export MAS_CHANNEL="9.0.x-dev"
    export MAS_CATALOG_VERSION="v9-master-amd64"
    export MAS_INSTANCE_ID="tas"
    export MAS_WORKSPACE_ID="tas"
    export MAS_ICR_CP=""
    export MAS_ICR_CPOPEN=""
    export MAS_ENTITLEMENT_KEY="" 
    export SLS_LICENSE_ID="xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    export SLS_INSTANCE_NAME="mas-sls" 

    Ensure that the SLS_INSTANCE_NAME value is unique.

    export SLS_NAMESPACE="mas-sls"

    Ensure that the SLS_NAMESPACE value is unique.

    export MAS_CONFIG_DIR="/root/mas_configs"
    export SLS_LICENSE_FILE="/root/mas_configs/entitlement.lic"
    export UDS_CONTACT_EMAIL=""
    export UDS_CONTACT_FIRSTNAME="xxx"
    export UDS_CONTACT_LASTNAME="xxx"
    export DRO_CONTACT_EMAIL=""
    export DRO_CONTACT_FIRSTNAME="xxx"
    export DRO_CONTACT_LASTNAME="xxx"
    ansible-playbook playbooks/oneclick_core.yml
  11. Export the following variables and use the Ansible playbook to install Maximo Monitor IoT.

    The installation takes approximately 1.5 hours.

    Important: Ensure that DB2_INSTANCE_NAME is not the same as the existing TRIRIGA Application Suite Db2 instance.
    export DB2_INSTANCE_NAME="db2u-mas" 
    export MAS_APP_CHANNEL="9.0.x-stable"
    ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.oneclick_add_iot
  12. Export the following variables and use the Ansible playbook to install Maximo Monitor.

    The installation takes approximately 45 minutes.

    export MAS_APP_CHANNEL="9.0.x-stable"
    ansible-playbook ibm.mas_devops.oneclick_add_monitor 
  13. Configure the IBM Maximo Monitor integration with TRIRIGA Application Suite, see Integrating with TRIRIGA Application Suite.