Configuring TRIRIGA Application Suite for integration with Envizi

Configure the integration by adding the group names in IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Suite, importing and granting access to artifacts, and updating the integration for IBM Envizi.


  1. In TRIRIGA Application Suite, add the four group names to the business object so that the objects can be displayed on the building record.
    1. In TRIRIGA Application Suite, click Tools > Builder Tools > Data Modeler and use the object browser to go to Location > triBuilding.
    2. Add the following fields.
      Name Label
      cstEnviziParentOneTX Envizi Group 1
      cstEnviziParentTwoTX Envizi Group 2
      cstEnviziParentThreeTX Envizi Group 3
      cstEnviziGroupNamePathTX Envizi Path
    3. Click Publish.
  2. Add the group names so that they are displayed on the triBuilding form in TRIRIGA Application Suite.
    1. Click Tools > Builder Tools > Form Builder and then click the Location module.
    2. Click triBuilding and then click Revise to revise the triBuilding form.
    3. In the navigation window, click triBuilding and then clickAdd Tab. Enter cstEnvizi as the name and Envizi as the label. Click Apply.
    4. Click the newly created tab and click Add Section. Enter cstEnviziDetails as the name and Envizi Details as the label. Click Apply.
    5. Click the newly created section and click Add Field. Add each of the four business objects that were created in the previous step as fields in the Envizi Details section.
    6. Click cstEnviziGroupNamePathTX and in the properties window, change the values of Start Row to 3 and Col Span to 2 Mark this field as ReadOnly and click Apply.
    7. Click triBuilding and then click Sort Tab. Move the cstEnvizi tab to the second position and click Apply. Publish the form.
  3. Import the necessary artifacts for the integration.
    1. Click Import Migration and import the package by clicking New Import Package. Click the .zip file and then click OK.
    2. Hover over the file and click Validate. Import the package.
  4. Grant access to the newly created artifacts.
    1. Click Tools > Administration > Security Manager and then click the name of the newly created group.
    2. On the Access tab, click Location > triBuilding > cstEnvizi.
    3. Choose the access level for the group and click Save.
  5. In the workflow of the outbuilding form, add an update call out to Envizi.
    1. Click Tools > Builder Tools > Workflow Builder and then in All Objects, click Location and then click triBuilding.
    2. Within the location object, search for the existing workflow triBuilding - Synchronous - Permanent Save Validation.
    3. In the Workflow dialog, after Call Module Level Validation add a workflow call to triBuilding - Update Envizi fields with defined options.
    4. Click Start and publish the workflow.
  6. Populate the newly created fields in an outbound message in an OSLC request.
    1. Click My Reports > System Reports. Click the Columns tab and add the four Envizi fields to the existing triAPICBuilding - OSLC - Outbound query.
    2. Save the report.
    3. Open Tools > System set up > Integration > OSLC Resource Manager and search for triAPICOutboundBuildingRS. Add the four Envizi fields either individually or by using Import all Fields.
  7. Add Envizi to the collection.
    1. Click Tools > Builder Tools > Navigation Builder, click the TRIRIGA global menu, and click Edit.
    2. In the Navigation Items menu, click Landing Page > Tools > menu Group > System setup. Click menu Group - Integration and expand Navigation Item Library.
    3. Use the search bar to locate Envizi. Click the item and then click Add to Collection. Click Save.
    4. Log out and then log in to the system.