Upgrading TRIRIGA to TRIRIGA Application Suite

Existing users can upgrade their IBM® TRIRIGA® deployment. IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite offers the deployment flexibility of a suite-based licensing structure without the need for additional provisioning as more applications are adopted.

To upgrade a TRIRIGA deployment to TRIRIGA Application Suite, complete the following tasks:
  1. Review the Compatibility Matrix and Release Notes to confirm the supported servers, components, and operating systems.
  2. Upgrade to IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 4.x or later.
  3. Back up your TRIRIGA database. For more information, see your database vendor documentation.
  4. Verify the TRIRIGA Application Suite entitlement by checking the Container Software Library.
  5. Provision a Red Hat® OpenShift® cluster on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud® , or on premises.
  6. Install TRIRIGA Application Suite components such as Suite Licensing Service (SLS), IBM Data Reporter Operator (DRO), TRIRIGA Application Suite and point the TRIRIGA Application Suite instance to an external database, CP4D-db2wh, or IBM Db2® Operator.
  7. Configure TRIRIGA Application Suite by converting On-Premises or SaaS licenses to TRIRIGA Application Suite licenses, loading suite licenses from the IBM License Key Center, and managing user licenses by using AppPoints.

Review the Compatibility Matrix and release notes

The TRIRIGA Compatibility Matrix provides a list of application servers, database servers, web servers, third-party servers, third-party components, and operating systems with which the TRIRIGA Application Platform is certified on the date of the matrix. Review the Compatibility matrix page for the TRIRIGA products.

The Release Notes for TRIRIGA products include a summary of enhancements, important information, known limitations, and changes in PDF format. Review the Release notes page for TRIRIGA products.

Upgrade TRIRIGA Application Platform

You must upgrade TRIRIGA Application Platform to 4.x or later. For more information, see Installing TRIRIGA Application Platform.

Verify TRIRIGA Application Suite entitlements

Before you install TRIRIGA Application Suite, you must verify that you are entitled to the container software by checking the Container software library. For more information, see Verifying entitlement to the container software.
IBM entitlement keys

Provision Red Hat OpenShift

Before you install TRIRIGA Application Suite, you must provision a Red Hat OpenShift cluster. For more information, see Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform installation overview.

Download the database preparation scripts

Download the appropriate scripts to help with TRIRIGA Application Suite database preparation. The GitHub repository contains preparation scripts for the following databases in these folders:

Install the Suite Licensing Service (SLS)

After you prepare the database, install the Suite Licensing Service (SLS) to store and manage TRIRIGA Application Suite licenses. For this external database scenario, Certificate Manager MongoDB is required for Suite Licensing Service to work correctly. MongoDB is a core component of TRIRIGA and is used by TRIRIGA Application Suite and its applications to store configuration data. The MongoDB data storage is configured during the initial setup. For more information, see Installing Suite License Service.

Install Data Reporter Operator (DRO)

You must install Data Reporter Operator (DRO) to collect and process TRIRIGA Application Suite license and usage information. For more information, see Installing Data Reporter Operator.

Install database preparation

First do the basic configuration steps, such as creating a TRIRIGA Application Suite project, enabling the IBM operator catalog, installing the TRIRIGA Application Suite operator, creating an entitlement secret, database secret, SLS secret, and DRO secret. For more information, see Basic configuration.

After you complete the basic configuration, the advanced configuration can be used to configure dedicated workflow agents, additional certificates for external integration, single sign-on, and server.XML extensions. For more information, see Advanced configuration.

Postinstallation tasks

When all the TRIRIGA Application Suite components are installed, you must complete the postinstallation tasks to verify and harden the installation and load the TRIRIGA Application Suite license. For more information, see Postinstallation tasks.

Review TRIRIGA Application Suite components in Red Hat OpenShift Console 

Log in to the Red Hat OpenShiftconsole to verify that TRIRIGA Application Suite is installed correctly by validating that each pod is ready and that the main route is accessible. For more information, see Postinstallation tasks.

Review the TRIRIGA Application Suite Admin Console

Use the License Manager to assign AppPoints to users. AppPoints are consumed immediately when the user is assigned a license, not when the user logs in to the system. AppPoints are released back to the pool when the user is unassigned a license. For more information, see AppPoints.

Review TRIRIGA Application Suite admin console

Upgrade platform and applications in the Red Hat OpenShift environment

When considering the TRIRIGA Application Suite upgrade strategy, it is recommended to switch the Red Hat OpenShiftsubscription update approval strategy to manual to enable the necessary steps to back up the database and any configuration files, as well as schedule necessary downtime for the upgrade.

After TRIRIGA Application Suite is installed, platform upgrades are managed by using updated versions of the TRIRIGA Application Suite Operator.

Application upgrades are managed in TRIRIGA Application Suite by using traditional object migration packages. For more information, see Upgrading applications.
Tip: IBM recommends that you perform platform upgrades at least once a year and application upgrades every 2-3 years. For more information, see Support Lifecycle Policies for TRIRIGA Products.

Deployment size scenarios: Existing vs. New

The size of the TRIRIGA Application Suite deployment influences the number of pods in an Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Small deployments
Small deployments for existing users:
Small deployment existing users
Small deployments for new users:
Small deployment new users
Medium deployments
Medium deployments for existing users:
medium deployments for existing users
Medium deployments for new users:
medium deployments for existing users
Large deployments
Large deployments for existing users:
Large deployment existing users
Large deployments for new users:
Large deployment new users

TRIRIGA to TRIRIGA Application Suite 11.x upgrade path

TRIRIGA to TRIRIGA Application Suite upgrade path
Upgrade existing TRIRIGA deployment to TRIRIGA Application Suite through the basic installation process:
  • Upgrade existing TRIRIGA platform to 4.x or later. TRIRIGA Application Suite supports only IBM WebSphere Liberty.
  • Provision Red Hat OpenShift cluster (available on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, GCP, IBM Cloud , or on premises).
  • Provision Db2 Warehouse on IBM Cloud Pak For Data or plan to use an external database.
  • Install TRIRIGA Application Suite Operator
    • Choose deployment size as small, medium, or large.
    • Db2 Warehouse on IBM Cloud Pak For Data on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform or Db2, Oracle Database, or MSSQL outside of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Configure TRIRIGA Application Suite
    • The operator creates a host value and puts it in the Admin Console. You can also manually configure SLS.
    • Get the host value from the Admin Console and the license file from Rational LKC (License Key Centre).
    • Upload the license file in the Admin Console.