Updating the enterprise service for comments and attachments support

Create and associate the enterprise service with the object structure and then re-create the PLUSISR enterprise service for the changes to take effect.


  1. In Maximo® Manage from the side navigation menu, click Integration > Enterprise Services.
  2. In the Enterprise Services application, duplicate the default PLUSISR enterprise service to create a PLUSISRDOCS enterprise service.
    1. Search for and open the PLUSISR enterprise service.
    2. From the More Actions menu, click Duplicate Enterprise Service and specify PLUSISRDOCS as the name of the duplicated enterprise service.
    3. In the Object Structure field, click the Detail Menu and then click Select Value and search for and select the PLUSISRDOCS object structure.
    4. Click the Save Enterprise Service icon.
  3. From the side navigation menu, click Integration > External Systems.
  4. In the External Systems application, remove the default PLUSISR enterprise service.
    1. Search for and open the PLUSITRIRIGA system and then click the Enterprise Services tab.
    2. Click the Mark Row for Delete icon for the PLUSISR enterprise service.
    3. Click the Save External System icon.
  5. In the Enterprise Services application, duplicate the PLUSISRDOCS enterprise service and name it PLUSISR.
    1. In Maximo Manage from the side navigation menu, click Integration > Enterprise Services.
    2. Search for and open the PLUSISRDOCS enterprise service.
    3. From the More Actions menu, click Duplicate Enterprise Service and specify PLUSISR as the name of the duplicated enterprise service.
    4. In the Object Structure field, click the Detail Menu and then click Select Value and search for and select the PLUSISRDOCS object structure.
    5. Click the Save Enterprise Service icon.
  6. In the External Services application, add the new PLUSISR enterprise service.
    1. From the side navigation menu, click Integration > External Systems.
    2. Search for and open the PLUSITRIRIGA system and then click the Enterprise Services tab.
    3. Click the New Row icon and add the PLUSISR enterprise service.
    4. Set Enabled to on.
    5. Click the Save External System icon.


Maximo Manage can retrieve images from the comments or attachments of TRIRIGA® Application Suite service requests.