Managing user licenses by using AppPoints

Use the License Manager to assign Application Points (AppPoints) to users. AppPoints are consumed immediately when the user is assigned a license, not when the user logs in to the system. AppPoints are released back to the pool when the user is unassigned a license.

Points can be used for users for the following licenses:
License Description License ID AppPoint Consumption Metric AppPoints
IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Suite - Self-Service No-Charge User TAS-SS-No-Charge Per Application Instance 0
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite- Self-Service Limited User TAS-SS-Limited Per 500 Authorized Users 2
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Self-Service Base User TAS-SS-Base Per 500 Authorized Users 10
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Limited User TAS-Limited Per Authorized User 2
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Limited Occasional User TAS-Limited-Occasional Per 3 Authorized Users 2
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Base User TAS-Base Per Authorized User 5
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Base Occasional User TAS-Base-Occasional Per 3 Authorized Users 5
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Configure User TAS-Configure Per Authorized User 10
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Room Panel TAS-Room-Panel Per 100 Rooms 2

If a user is assigned or unassigned to a product that is within its pack size allotment, the AppPoints for the transaction are only used if the pack size is exceeded.

For more information about AppPoints, and their allocations for user and room entitlements, see AppPoints.


  1. Open a single IBM TRIRIGA application in a container.
  2. Log in to the TRIRIGA Administrator Console as a system user.
  3. From the left menu, click Licenses.
  4. In the License Manager, use either the list view or matrix view to manage user licenses. For example, in the list view, select a license in the left pane. Then, manage users by clicking either Add Users or Delete Users in the right pane.
  5. Follow the prompts to create the profile records. Ensure that you stay within your AppPoints allotment. To check how your AppPoints are allocated in the system, go to Licenses for Application Suite in the left menu. Check the values under Application Points and Application Points Per Product. If you run low on AppPoints, a warning displays in the system status in the left menu.