Reviewing TRIRIGA Application Suite general and Suite License Service log files

See IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite general log files and IBM® Suite License Service (SLS) log files to help you to debug your system.

Before you begin

For more information about general log files, see Administering logs.

About this task

You can access the Suite License Service log file, which contains information about IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite. A message in the Suite License Service log file can be an error, a warning, an information-only message, or a debug message.

Suite License Service log file information messages contain details about TRIRIGA Application Suite transactions, for example:
  • Assigning a user to a product results in a checkout in the Suite License Service logs. If the pack size is exceeded, the log indicates the number of AppPoints that the transaction used.
  • Assigning a user from a product results in a checkin in the Suite License Service logs. If the pack size is exceeded, the log indicates the number of AppPoints that the transaction recovered.

If a user is assigned or unassigned to a product that is within its pack size allotment, the log reflects only the action and not the number of AppPoints used or recovered.


  1. Open a single TRIRIGA® application in a container.
  2. Log in to the IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console as a system user.
  3. From the left menu, select Error Logs.
  4. Under Logs, click the Suite License Service log file name to download the log file, which is in the sls-timestamp.log format.
  5. Open the log file to review its contents.