Installation and migration paths
TRIRIGA Application Suite installation paths vary depending on your starting point.
Migrating an existing installation
To upgrade to TRIRIGA Application Suite, your existing TRIRIGA installation must first be updated to Platform version 4.0. TRIRIGA Application Suite supports only WebSphere Liberty.
Installing and configuring TRIRIGA Application Suite
To install TRIRIGA
Application Suite, the following path is required:
- If applicable, upgrade your existing installation to meet the preceding platform requirements.
- Verify your entitlement to the container software by checking the Container software library.
- Provision your RedHat OpenShift Cluster version 4.10 or 4.12 available on AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM
Clouds, or On-Prem.
At least one StorageClass must exist that is able to grant read-write access to the provisioned volumes for the Linux root group and to support IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service ReadWriteMany or ReadWriteOnce access modes.
- Provision DB2 Warehouse on IBM Cloud Pak For Data, or an external database.
- Choose deployment size: small, medium, or large.
- Install TRIRIGA
Application Suite components.
- Install DB2 Warehouse on IBM Cloud Pak For Data, or an external database.
- Prepare database by downloading the scripts to help streamline your database preparation.
- Install IBM Suite Licensing Service (SLS).
- Install User Data Services (UDS).
- Install IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite (TAS).
- Configure TRIRIGA
Application Suite.
- Load suite licenses from License Key Center.
- Manage user licenses by using Application Points.