Preparing your external MSSQL database

Prepare your external MSSQL database by using the provided the database preparation scripts to help you streamline the process.

Before you begin

Download the database preparation scripts.

About this task

For more information about preparing your MSSQL database for installation, see SQL Docs: Encrypting Connections to SQL Server on Linux.


  1. Install your MSSQL database by using the provider's documentation.
  2. Create the database and user by running the following command:
    CREATE DATABASE "tririga" collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS;
    use tririga;
    CREATE LOGIN puriuser
              WITH PASSWORD = 'puripass',
           DEFAULT_DATABASE = tririga,
               CHECK_POLICY = OFF;
    exec sp_changedbowner 'puriuser','puriuser';
  3. Set up SSL and extract the certificate by running the following script as a root user:
    Note: This step enables SSL at the instance level. If there are other databases in the instance that do not require SSL to be enabled, consider moving the database intended to be used for TAS into its own separate instance.