Loading the TRIRIGA Application Suite license

When you log in to the IBM TRIRIGA Administrator Console, the system status is displayed in the left menu. When you need to load a license, the system indicates that there is no SLS entitlement file and that one must be loaded. This is typically shown when the license has not yet been loaded for the first time, or when the current license has expired.


  1. Open a single TRIRIGA application in a container.
  2. Log in to the TRIRIGA Administrator Console as a system user.
  3. From the left menu, click Licenses for Application Suite and review the values under License Key Center. Make note of these values. They will be needed later in this task.
    • Configuration
    • Host ID
    • Hostname
    • Port
    • Host ID type
  4. Log in to IBM License Key Center.
  5. From the left menu, click Get Keys.
  6. Under My License Keys, click IBM TRIRIGA APPLICATION SUITE AppPOINT. Review the license, then click Next.
  7. Enter the number of keys to generate as the required AppPoints.
  8. Enter the values that you noted earlier in this task from TRIRIGA Administrator Console > Licenses for Application Suite > License Key Center. These values correspond to the following values in IBM License Key Center:
    • Server configuration
    • Host ID Type
    • Host ID
    • Hostname
    • Port
  9. Click Generate. Then, click Download License Keys to save the license file.
  10. Go back to the TRIRIGA Administrator Console and log in as a system user.
  11. From the left menu, click System Info.
  12. Under Lock System, select Lock System and click Save. Locking the system prevents users from logging into the system while you update the license.
  13. From the left menu, click Licenses for Application Suite.
  14. Under SLS Upload Entitlement file, click Upload. Then, select the license file that you downloaded from IBM License Key Center.
  15. Confirm that the license has been uploaded. Ensure that Licenses for Application Suite contains updates in the Application Points and Application Points Per Product sections.
  16. From the left menu, click System Info.
  17. Under Lock System, select Unlock System and click Save. Unlocking the system ensures that you can start other application servers. Then, the agents and the system user can login to the main application to create users.