Custom Resource Status

The TAS operator maintains a status subresource for each instance it manages. This status includes both Kubernetes conditions and properties.

  • Running: It is true when the operator is currently running the reconciliation for the custom resource instance.
  • Successful: It is true when the reconciliation cycle for the custom resource instance has finished and there were no errors. The operator then waits for the next reconciliation action, either the reconcile period, dependent watches triggers or the resource is updated.
  • Failed: It is true if there is any error during the reconciliation run for the custom resource instance, and the error message from the error that caused this condition is reported. The error message is the raw output from the run for reconciliation. If the failure is intermittent, often the situation can be resolved when the operator reruns the reconciliation loop.
  • Initialized: It is true when all the IBM TRIRIGA resources, including all the application PODs, have been created.
  • Ready: It is true when all the IBM TRIRIGA application PODs have reached the Ready condition.
  • tasOperatorVersion: Version of IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite operator performing the reconciliation
  • tririgaPlatformVersion: IBM TRIRIGA platform version
  • operandImages: List of operand images currently in use
  • url: Main IBM TRIRIGA instance URL
  • slsClientInfo: Information about the registered IBM Suite License Service. This field is relevant only if the IBM Suite License Service instance in use enforces client authentication.