Application Points
Application usage, runtime, and user access for IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite are managed by using Application Points (AppPoints). Administrative users use the License Manager to assign Application Points to users. Then, from a user perspective, Application Points usage is not visible. A user logs in and works without having to know anything about Application Points.
Any TRIRIGA Application Suite instance has a number of allocated Application Points, which is set by the license. These Application Points are used as users are assigned to a license tier. You can configure your environment to enforce the Application Points entitlement and block users from being assigned to an Application Points consumption tier. If compliance is not enforced, users are able to log in, but you might be charged for the overage.
License Key Center (LKC) License File
The TRIRIGA Application Suite license that gets generated is specific to the SLS installation instance that the license gets loaded into by TRIRIGA. The license gets generated in LKC using the HostID of the SLS Instance.
Multiple instances of TAS (Prod, Dev, Test, etc.), and all the pods running the TRIRIGA platform container in a given instance, should be configured to point to a single SLS instance, even when those instances are running in different OpenShift environments. That SLS instance can run within any of those instances’ OpenShift environment. Across all of those instances there will be only one license file used. SLS will handle users with the same username as a single user, across different instances of TAS and will only deduct AppPoints once per user.
- Server = OpenShift Pod
- Instance = OpenShift Installation (which may contain multiple Pods). E.g.,Prod Instance, Dev Instance; each of which may have different configurations of numbers of Pods.
User Application Points allocation
License Description | License ID | AppPoint Consumption Metric | AppPoints |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Self-Service No-Charge User | TAS-SS-No-Charge | Per Application Instance | 0 |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Self-Service Limited User | TAS-SS-Limited | Per 500 Authorized Users | 2 |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Self-Service Base User | TAS-SS-Base | Per 500 Authorized Users | 10 |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Limited User | TAS-Limited | Per Authorized User | 2 |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Limited Occasional User | TAS-Limited-Occasional | Per 3 Authorized Users | 2 |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Base User | TAS-Base | Per Authorized User | 5 |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Base Occasional User | TAS-Base-Occasional | Per 3 Authorized Users | 5 |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Configure User | TAS-Configure | Per Authorized User | 10 |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Suite - Room Panel | TAS-Room-Panel | Per 100 Rooms | 2 |
Managing user licenses by using Application Points
Use the License Manager to assign Application Points to users. Application Points are consumed immediately when the user is assigned a license, not when the user logs in to the system. Conversely, Application Points are released back to the pool when the user is unassigned a license.
For more information, see Managing user licenses by using Application Points.