Adding and Removing Targets

The target services your Turbonomic installation will manage appear in the Target Configuration list. You can add, remove, and edit entries in this list. Note that the target service’s account must be configured with privileges that support the Turbonomic activities you want to perform. For example, the following list shows how vCenter privileges correspond to activities Turbonomic can perform:

  • Read Only — Enables Turbonomic monitoring and simulation (what-if scenarios) only

  • vCenter Administrator — Enables Turbonomic monitoring, simulation (what-if scenarios), and automation functions

  • Enable Datastore Browse — Enabling this property for the account gives Turbonomic the privileges it needs to enable its storage management functionality

Enabling Targets

In Turbonomic, a probe is a platform component that connects to a target. It discovers the target's entities and loads them into the Turbonomic supply chain, and it can run actions on the devices in the target environment. Turbonomic includes many probe components that you can use to connect Turbonomic with your environment.

Depending on your installation method, Turbonomic may enable probes by default. Each probe uses resources in your Turbonomic installation. If probes are not needed, you should consider disabling them. On the other hand, if there are disabled probes that you need, you must enable them to put them into service.

To enable or disable probes that you want in Turbonomic, you edit the cr.yaml file to add new probes and to change the values of the enabled: properties. Then you apply those changes to reload the platform components.

For more information, see (Optional) Enabling and Disabling Probe Components.

Adding Targets

To add a target service, click the Target Configuration button, provide the requested information, and click Apply to validate those targets and start a new discovery.


As you add targets, be sure not to add duplicate entries for the same target.

If you do not see the target in the UI, you may not have enabled the probe that represents that target. For more information, see (Optional) Enabling and Disabling Probe Components.

Typical information you provide includes:

  • Target Type — Choose among the supported technologies

    After you choose the technology, then choose the specific target type for that technology. For example, for Cloud Management, you can choose AWS.

  • Hostname or IP address — The address of the target service you want to add

  • User Name — A valid account username for the target service

  • Password — A password for the target service account

Removing Targets

To remove a target, select the entry in the list and then click Delete.