Risk index
Turbonomic tracks prices for resources in terms of the risk index. The higher this index for a resource, the more heavily the resource is utilized, the greater the delay for consumers of that resource, and the greater the risk to your QoS. Turbonomic constantly works to keep the risk index within acceptable bounds.
You can think of risk index as the cost for a resource — Turbonomic works to keep the cost at a competitive level. This is not simply a matter of responding to threshold conditions. Turbonomic analyzes the full range of buyer/seller relationships, and each buyer constantly seeks out the most economical transaction that is available.
This last point is crucial to understanding Turbonomic. The virtual environment is dynamic, with constant changes to workload that correspond with the varying requests your customers make of your applications and services. By examining each buyer/seller relationship, Turbonomic arrives at the optimal workload distribution for the current state of the environment. In this way, it constantly drives your environment toward the desired state.
The default Turbonomic configuration is ready to use in many environments. However, you can fine-tune the configuration to address special services and resources in your environment. Turbonomic provides a full range of policies that you can set to control how the software manages specific groups of entities. Before you make such policy changes, you should understand default Turbonomic operation. For more information about policies, see Working With Policies.