Creating and editing custom dashboards


This topic describes features that are available in the new design of the user interface. This new design is enabled by default. If you switched to the legacy design, click New Feature Toggle button in the navigation bar of the user interface and then turn on the toggle to re-enable the new design. For more information, see New Design for the User Interface.

A custom dashboard is a view that you create to focus on specific aspects of your environment. You can create dashboards that are private to your user account, or dashboards that are visible to any user who logs into your Turbonomic deployment.

Two common approaches exist for creating custom dashboards:

  • Scope First

    You can create a dashboard in which all of the chart widgets focus on the same scope of your environment. For example, you might want to create a dashboard that focuses on costs for a single public cloud account. In that case, as you add chart widgets to the dashboard, you give them all the same scope.

  • Data First

    You might be interested in a single type of data for all groups of entities in your environment. For example, each chart widget in the dashboard can focus on Cost Breakdown by Cloud Service, but you set the scope of each chart widget to a different cloud region or zone.

Of course, you can mix and match, according to your needs. You can set any scopes or data sources to the chart widgets in a dashboard to set up whatever organization and focus that you want.


If you set a scope to your Turbonomic session, the specified scope does not affect your custom dashboards. For information about scoped views, see Working With a Scoped View.

Creating a dashboard

To create a custom dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Dashboards Page.

    Dashboard button

    Click to navigate to the Dashboard Page.

    This page lists all dashboards that are available to you. To view a dashboard, click its name in the list.

  2. Create a new dashboard.

    New Dashboard button

    Click NEW DASHBOARD to add a new dashboard to your Turbonomic session. The dashboard appears with a default name and without chart widgets. The time range in the Time Slider is set to 24 hours by default.

    Steps to create new dashboard
  3. Name the dashboard.

    Give a name that describes the dashboard. If you will share the dashboard with all Turbonomic users, the name will help them decide whether to view it.

  4. Add chart widgets to the dashboard.

    Add Widget button

    Add as many chart widgets to the dashboard as you want. See Creating and Editing Chart Widgets.

  5. Optionally, set the dashboard access.

    Click Gear to change the setting.

    Dashboard access can be:

    • Only Me – (default) The dashboard is only available to your Turbonomic user account.

    • All Users – Every Turbonomic user can see this dashboard.

As soon as you create a new dashboard, it appears in the list on the Dashboard Page. Users with access to it can click the dashboard name in the list to view it, create a copy of the dashboard, or print the dashboard.

At any time, if you are an administrator or the dashboard owner, you can view and make the following changes to the dashboard:

  • Add, edit, or delete widgets

  • Change the dashboard name

  • Change the dashboard access setting

For executive dashboards, only an administrator (username=administrator) can edit an executive dashboard.

Editing a dashboard

If you have created a dashboard, you can change the name of the dashboard, its access settings, and its chart widgets. To change the chart widgets, see Creating and Editing Chart Widgets.

  1. Navigate to the Dashboards Page.

    Dashboard button

    Click to navigate to the Dashboard Page.

  2. Click the name of the dashboard that you want to edit.

  3. Click Gear in the dashboard.

    In the Edit Dashboard flyout, change the dashboard name or set the dashboard access.

    Edit Dashboard fly-out

    For the dashboard's access, you can set:

    • Only Me – The dashboard is only available to your Turbonomic user account.

    • All Users – Every Turbonomic user can see this dashboard.

  4. When you are done, close the panel.

    Your changes take effect when you close the panel.

Deleting a dashboard

If you are an administrator or the dashboard owner, you can delete a custom dashboard. You cannot delete executive dashboards.

  1. Navigate to the Dashboards Page.

    Dashboard button

    Click to navigate to the Dashboard Page.

    This page lists all dashboards that are available to you.

  2. Delete one or more dashboards.

    In the list, choose the check box for each dashboard to delete and click Trash can.