Legacy savings or investments chart
This chart is deprecated and will be removed from the product in a future release. Delete this chart from any dashboard.
These charts show savings and investments before version 8.9.3. The method for tracking savings and investments was enhanced in version 8.9.3, and data from this enhanced tracking is available in the Savings and Investments charts.
Actions for your cloud workloads usually have cost savings or investments attached to them. For example, deleting unattached volumes can lower your costs significantly (savings), while scaling a VM to a different tier to improve performance could incur additional costs (investments).
These charts highlight:
Total realized savings and investments as a result of executing actions
Total missed savings and investments when actions are not executed
Information in these charts can help determine your action handling policies. For example, you can start automating actions so you don't miss opportunities to assure performance at the lowest possible cost.
To display these charts, add them to the default views in the Home Page or to your custom dashboards. By default, these charts are scoped to your global environment. You can change the scope to view granular data.
Another way to view granular data is to set the scope (in the supply chain or by using Search) to one or several accounts, billing families, groups, or workloads.
Scale actions
For actions to scale workloads (VMs, Database Servers, databases, or volumes), Turbonomic calculates savings and investment per workload based on the hourly cost of the workload price difference, taking into account workload uptime.
Calculation can adjust to varying VM uptime and discount coverage over time.
Calculation stops for terminated entities or entities that Turbonomic no longer discovers.
Calculation stops if there is a cost change in the entity that is not the result of a Turbonomic action.
Volume delete actions
For actions to delete volumes, Turbonomic calculates savings since volume deletion, based on the hourly cost of the deleted volume. It also estimates missed savings based on the hourly cost of the workload price difference and the number of hours that pending actions remain in the system.
Chart Type
You can set the display to:
Stacked Bar Chart
Area Chart
You can edit the chart to switch between the Savings and Investments views. You can also change the displayed data to Cumulative Savings or Cumulative Investments to see how the savings or investment costs accumulate over time.
In this example, the chart shows realized and missed savings per month over the last year. It indicates higher rates of realized savings in the last two months as more actions are executed rather than kept pending.

In the chart legend, you can click Realized Savings or Missed Savings to display a filtered view. Click the item again to reset the chart.
Click Show All at the end of the chart to view and download data in tabular format.