Headroom charts


This topic describes features that are available in the new design of the user interface. This new design is enabled by default. If you switched to the legacy design, click New Feature Toggle button in the navigation bar of the user interface and then turn on the toggle to re-enable the new design. For more information, see New Design for the User Interface.

Headroom charts show how much extra capacity your clusters have to host workloads.

To calculate cluster capacity and headroom, Turbonomic runs nightly plans that take into account the conditions in your current environment. The plans identify the optimal workload distribution for your clusters. This can include moving your current VMs to other hosts within the given cluster, if such moves would result in a more desirable workload distribution. The result of the plan is a calculation of how many more VMs the cluster can support.

To calculate VM headroom, the plan simulates adding VMs to your cluster. The plan assumes a certain capacity for these VMs, based on a specific VM template. For this reason, the count of VMs given for the headroom is an approximation based on that VM template.


The chart supports the following timeframes:

  • Default

  • Last 2 hours

  • Last 24 hours

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days


You can choose from the following types of Headroom charts:

  • CPU Headroom

  • Memory Headroom

  • Storage Headroom

  • Total Headroom