Discount utilization chart
This topic describes features that are available in the new design of the user interface. This
new design is enabled by default. If you switched to the legacy design, click in the navigation bar of the user interface and then turn on the toggle to
re-enable the new design. For more information, see New Design for the User Interface.
This chart shows how well you have utilized your current discount inventory. The desired goal is to maximize the utilization of your inventory and thus take full advantage of the discounted pricing offered by your cloud provider.

The chart shows daily data points and supports the following timeframes:
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
Show all
Click Show all to see all the discovered discounts and their current utilization.
AWS EC2/RDS reserved instances and compute savings plans
Turbonomic uses data exports from AWS to calculate Reserved Instance (RI) and Compute Savings Plan utilization for both standard and GovCloud workloads. Turbonomic supports a data export created at the management account, but not member accounts. In order for Turbonomic to use these data exports, you must add a billing target in the Target Configuration page.
The chart shows historical data. Data for the current day may not be available until the cloud provider has exported it fully.
Hover on a data point in the chart to see the following information:
The date and time for the data point
The percentage of utilization
For Compute Savings Plans, utilization is based on the total utilized and committed costs per day.
For RIs, utilization is based on normalization factors.
Normalization factor is a measure of RI capacity that you can use to compare or combine the capacity for different instance families.
Turbonomic measures RI coverage in terms of normalization factors. It compares the number of RIs calculated as normalization factors that cover workload capacity with the total number of normalization factors for a given Turbonomic scope. Each workload is assigned normalized units depending on its instance type.
Points to consider:
You can set the scope to your global cloud environment or to individual accounts, billing families, or regions. Scoping to an account shows the RI utilization for the workloads for the entire billing family.
For AWS GovCloud RIs, you can set the scope to the global environment, or a GovCloud account or billing family.
For AWS GovCloud Savings Plans, you can set the scope to the global environment or the standard account/billing family associated with GovCloud.
In AWS, you can turn off RI discount sharing for specific accounts. These accounts will not share any discounts with other accounts. Turbonomic does not recognize RI coverage or utilization for these accounts. For example, the RI Coverage and RI Utilization charts will show zero values.
Under very rare circumstances, you can have RIs on payment plans that do not resolve to 1-year or 3-year terms. In this case, AWS does not return pricing data for those RIs. Turbonomic does not include such RIs in its calculations of RI utilization or RI cost.
Azure reservations
Turbonomic uses billed cost data from Azure to calculate reservation utilization for workloads. In order for Turbonomic to use billed cost data, you must add an Azure Billing target in the Target Configuration page.
The use of billed cost data to calculate reservation utilization for Azure Government workloads is not supported.
Currently, Turbonomic does not track utilization of Azure savings plans.
The chart shows historical data. Data for the current day may not be available until the cloud provider has exported it fully.
Hover on a data point in the chart to see the following information:
The date and time for the data point
The percentage of utilization, based on ratios.
Ratio refers to the number of Azure reservation units that cover workload capacity compared to the total number of reservation units for a given Turbonomic scope. Each workload is assigned reservation units based on its instance type.
You can set the scope to your global cloud environment or to individual subscriptions, billing families, or regions. Scoping to a subscription shows utilization for workloads for the entire billing family or for single and shared subscriptions.
Google Cloud committed use discounts
This chart does not show historical utilization data for committed use discounts (CUDs) because Google Cloud does not track this data. If Turbonomic only manages Google Cloud targets, this chart will be empty.
Turbonomic uses billing data from Google Cloud to calculate the current utilization of your CUD inventory. To view current utilization data, see the Discount Inventory chart.