Cost breakdown by tag chart


This chart is deprecated and will be removed from the product in a future release. Delete this chart from any dashboard and use the replacement chart, Cost breakdown.

Cost Breakdown By Tag charts show the costs for tagged cloud entities that Turbonomic discovered in your AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud environment. For the tagged entities in scope, the chart shows how daily costs change over time.

You choose a tag key to track, and then choose which tag values to include in the chart. Each data point aggregates the costs for all the entities with a given tag/value pair. You can display the cost breakdown in a stacked bar chart or an area chart.

For example, in this stacked bar chart, the tag poolName is workload-type and the tag Values are ptpool, ptpool2, and mixwin.

Cost Breakdown by Tag Stacked Bar chart

If you set up an AWS standard data export (CUR 2.0) for use with the AWS Billing target, be aware that AWS replaces tags with special characters and camel cases with underscores (_) in the data export. As a result, tags shown in AWS Cost Explorer and in the Cost Breakdown by Tag chart do not match.


To display these charts, add them to the default views in the Home Page or to your custom dashboards. By default, these charts are scoped to your global environment. You can change the scope to view granular data.


Currently, the chart can display data from the last 7 or 30 days.

Chart Type

You can set the display to:

  • Area Chart

  • Stacked Bar Chart

For more detail, hover over a data point. A tooltip appears to show specific values for that date. Click the legend items to show/hide data for specific values.

Tag settings

Choose the Tag/Value pairs you want to display in the chart.

  • Key: The tag name that you want to chart. Turbonomic discovers the tags you have configured in your environment.

    You can choose one Key for the chart.

  • Values: The values that you have configured in your environment for the given Key.

    You can choose multiple values. To shorten the list of values, type a filter string in the Values field.


Tag keys and values are case insensitive, but tag keys are normalized to lowercase. If there are duplicate lowercase keys for an entity, only the smallest tag value is retained.