(Optional) Increasing available disk space
A standard installation of Turbonomic on a VM image includes a MariaDB database server for historical data. If you enable embedded reports, the platform also uses TimescaleDB Postgres database to manage the reports data. For various reasons, you might find that the default storage capacity for your database services is not sufficient. In that case, you need to increase the available storage capacity.
A common reason to increase this capacity is to accommodate estimated needs for embedded reports. The storage requirements for embedded reports can change over time as your environment changes, or as you increase the number of targets you configure your your Turbonomic installation. For information about estimating embedded reports requirements, see Embedded reports storage requirement estimates.
A summary of the steps you will perform is:
Add a new disk to the VM
Rescan the scsi devices
Create a new LVM partition
Create a physical volume (pv)
Add the pv to the existing volume group (vg)
Extend the logical volume (lv)
Extend the file system to use the new lv
To increase storage for embedded reports, increase the XFS quota
To increase space for MariaDB, you do not need to perform this step.
Logical volume management for Turbonomic storage
The platform uses Logical Volume Management (LVM) to manage the VM disks. To increase
database storage, you should add a new disk to the VM, and then use it to extend the LVM logical
volume, /dev/turbo/var_lib_mysql
. This logical volume serves both the historical
database and the embedded reports database.

Increasing storage
To increase the storage space available to your databases:
Add a new disk to the VM.
Use the steps for your VM datacenter to add a new disk to the VM. Turbonomic installs as a VMware or a Hyper-V VM. Refer to the documentation for your hypervisor for the steps to add a new disk.
Open an SSH terminal session to your Turbonomic instance.
Log in with the System Administrator that you set up when you installed Turbonomic:
Rescan the scsi devices.
To make sure the new disk is available, rescan the scsi devices and then list your block devices.
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_disk//0\:0\:0\:0/device/rescan
To check for the new disk, run the command:
The new disk should appear with a name similar to
. If you don't see the new disk, try this alternative to force a rescan:Check the number of scsi host devices that are on your VM.
ls /sys/class/scsi_host
You should see a list of devices, such as
host0, host1, host2... hostn
Scan each device.
For each device run the command (where
is a numbered host device such ashost0
):echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan
List the block devices.
again to list the block devices.
Create a new LVM partition.
Assuming the new disk is named
, run the command:cfdisk /dev/sdc1
Then run the operations:
confirm size
change type to 8E
Create the Physical Volume (pv).
Assuming the new disk is named
, run the command:pvcreate /dev/sdc1
Add the new pv to the existing Volume Group.
Assuming the new disk is named
, run the command:vgextend /dev/ibmturbo /dev/sdc1
Extend the Logical Volume (lv) to use the free space in the new pv.
First list the physical extents (PE) that are available. Run the command:
The output is similar to the following example:
Free PE / Size 128000 / 500.00 GiB
In this example,
is the amount to extend the lv. For this example, run the command:lvextend -l +128000 /dev/ibmturbo/var_lib_mysql
Extend the XFS file system to use all the current lv space.
Before you extend the XFS, view the free disk space and record the number. To verify that you have increased the available space, you will compare this value to the free space after you have extended XFS. Run the command:
df -h
Then extend the XFS capacity:
xfs_growfs /dev/ibmturbo/var_lib_mysql
Then list the updated free disk space and compare it to your original number:
df -h
If you are increasing capacity for embedded reports, extend the XFS quota for the TimescaleDB.
To increase space for MariaDB, you do not need to perform this step.
To increase capacity for the Timescale DB, you need to increase the quota for that process by the amount you want. The quota name is
.For example, assume you added a 400 GB volume, and the current
quota is 400 GB. In that case, you could increase the quota to 800 GB. Following this example, run the command:xfs_quota -x -c 'limit -p bhard=800g Postgresql' /var/lib/dbs
To see the current quotas set for
, run the command:xfs_quota -xc 'report -pbih' /var/lib/dbs